Breaking Through Barriers To BlessingSample

It’s through faith that we receive God’s free unmerited grace-gift of eternal life; but repentance is a part of that process. The most common Greek word in the New Testament for ‘repent’ is metanoeo which literally means ‘a change of mind’. This infers a change of mind concerning our sin, ourselves, and the person and work of Christ.
However, a common mistake that Christians make is to confine repentance to their moment of conversion. Yet, whilst that may have been their first act of repentance, it should never be the last. The ‘renewing of the mind’ is an ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives which we must continually submit to in repentant obedience as He leads us into all truth.
At this point, some Christians get stuck on their faith journey because of a lack of ongoing repentance in response to personal revelation. Maybe they’ve tried to justify their sin because of the wounds they have. There could even be a very heavy influence of the evil one in their lives which has strongly disadvantaged them. Before we explore these difficult and real areas, a very important foundational principle must be laid down: OUR SIN MUST BE REPENTED OF.
Whatever accentuating factors there might be, we must take responsibility for our ungodly behavior. Yes, our pain and the devil can make sin hard to resist at times, even almost impossible, but we must admit that we are involved in the choice to sin. Consider this question: ‘How do I co-operate with the enemy’s agenda?’ What part do you play in the spiritual difficulties you are experiencing? Apart from anything else, will you be responsible for your own actions?
If we want to truly know God and experience the healing and freedom Jesus died for, personal repentance is vital. To neglect repentance is to underestimate the devastating practical impact of sin upon our fellowship with God.
There is hope and an answer for your issues. However, that answer in Jesus and the gospel will not bypass your personal honesty and repentance. This truth is foundational to your healing and deliverance.
So, what is God asking you to do? He is asking you to be transparent before Him and honestly answer the question: ‘Am I willing to change my mind about my ungodly ways? Am I ready for God to take these things out of my life for good?’
About this Plan

Has there been some unidentified hindrance in your Christian life? Do you often ask the question ‘why me?’ when things go wrong on a personal level, or ‘why not me?’ when you feel God’s blessings are eluding you? David Legge helps you unravel the things that may be holding you back from receiving God's blessings.
We would like to thank David Legge and Malcom Down Publishing for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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