Lessons From KingsSample

King Jesus - Love Hurts and Wins
Who better to learn our last lesson from than our Father, King Jesus? Jesus left His royal throne in Heaven to be born as a common man on earth. Through His life, we gain a glimpse into the heart of the Creator of the universe. He loved us so much that He would die to restore our broken relationship with Him. We had a sin problem and He had the love answer!
Throughout Jesus' life, we see an example of love like no other. He picked 12 ordinary men to pour Himself into so they could change the world forever by carrying out His mission of love. That mission of love is what Jesus' life was all about. He loved the unlovable, sinful, and taboo. He befriended the nobodies and outcasts. He reached out and healed the sick, broken and forgotten all to paint a picture of true love. A picture for us to imitate. In Matthew 25:40 & 45 we read that whatever we do for "the least of these" we do for Christ our King.
Christ would demonstrate this radical love not only through His life but also in His death. He cared enough for you and me that He would lay down His life in an act of sacrificial love so that we could have an eternal life and relationship with Him. On that dark day, love conquered all! Who would give up a crown and a throne to reach a peasant? Who would live their life ridiculed for loving those that society hated? Who would love the nobodies of their day enough to die for them? Jesus would and in that, He set the bar for what love really is. He demonstrated that true love conquers ALL fear, ALL hate, ALL divides and ALL circumstances.
Everyday we come in contact with droves of people that are searching for something more in their lives. Christ is that "more" and we are called to show them what we have found. Love is when we step out of our comfort zones and reach into the world of "nobodies" we are surrounded by and allow them to see Jesus in us. When we truly seek Jesus and follow after Him, loving the unlovable, taboo, dirty, and outcast becomes winning. But it will cost us. It cost Jesus His life. It will cause us pain and cost us comfort and maybe even friendships; but it will be worth every bit every time!
Reflection Point:
Have you received the love Christ has for you? Do you see the people of this world the way Christ does? Who can you show the love of Christ to? How is loving people like Christ changing who you are?
Love conquers all when it is the love of Christ flowing through us to the hurting. True love is worth all the temporary pain for our eternal gain. Choose Jesus, choose love!
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About this Plan

Most people have favorite books of the Bible but 1 and 2 Kings are not usually high on the list! The lives of the Kings in the Old Testament offer a wealth of wisdom. In this devotional, we will look at the accounts of Saul, David, Solomon, Josiah, and Jesus. By drawing lessons from their recorded failures and successes we can gain wisdom to apply to our lives today.
We would like to thank inScribed for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://inscribed.church