The Prayer That Turns The World Upside DownSample

Every generation of Christians must learn to make the request, like the disciples before them, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Every generation of Christians must also remember that Jesus’ response to that question now is the same as it was two thousand years ago. If we would have the Lord himself teach us how to pray, then we must turn to the Lord’s Prayer for instruction. .
Each petition is a theology lesson in itself. None of Jesus’ words were careless and this is particularly true of the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer turned the world upside down. This prayer is dangerous, overturning the kingdom of the principalities and powers of this world. This prayer is hopeful, expecting the kingdom of God to come in fullness with Christ on the throne. This prayer is compassionate, teaching us to call God our Father and depend on him for our every meal. This prayer is reverent, showing that nothing is more sacred than the name of God. This prayer is good news, reminding each of us that God forgives sin and delivers us from the powers of darkness.
In an age of superstition and superficiality, the Lord’s Prayer is a beacon of true biblical piety and theologically informed worship. As Christians await the arrival of God’s kingdom in its fullness, let us continually return to these words, asking with humble hearts, “Lord, teach us to pray.” . . .
We never pray this prayer alone, but with all Christendom, and we never have to wonder if this prayer is pleasing to God. Christ gave it to us! And, yes, we know that God has heard our prayer when we pray like this.
That is really what Amen means. And there is no more perfect way to end our study of the Lord’s Prayer, the prayer that turns the world upside down, than with Amen.
About this Plan

The Lord’s Prayer has been domesticated and tamed, turned into a safe series of comforting words and made familiar by repetition. In reality, writes Dr. Albert Mohler, the Lord’s Prayer turns the world upside down, toppling every earthly power and announcing God’s reign over all things, in heaven and on earth. The Lord’s Prayer is the most powerful prayer in all the Bible, taught by Jesus to his own disciples. This generation of Christians desperately needs to relearn the Lord’s Prayer and learn from Christ himself how we are to unleash the power and discipline of prayer.
We would like to thank Thomas Nelson for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: