Pilgrims And ForeignersSample

Jesus – The incarnate God among a rebellious humankind (John 1:14)
The central aspect of God’s revelation in the Old Testament was the manifestation of its glory: Exodus 33:18-34:7. In the same way, Christianity is, essentially, a revelation of God’s glory through Jesus Christ. The glory of God appears now only in the Word of God made flesh, the Father’s only begotten son, full of grace and truth. This is the great message of the Christian faith.
Moses had a transforming meeting with the God of glory: Exodus 34:8-10. The same way, John and the first disciples of the Lord Jesus were transformed by their encounter with the Lord of glory: I Cor 2:9. The people of Israel in the wilderness experienced that the glory of God resides primarily in that He showed them His mercy. Now, the church knows the glory of God through the saving grace that is in the Father’s only begotten Son who was incarnated so that he could save us by what He did on the cross. Jesus Christ is full of grace and truth which He offers to the rebellious and sinful humanity. God shows His glory in that He saves the sinners in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that, our hope resides in the divine determination to justify the ungodly: Romans 4:5, in His overabundant grace that reigns in the Lord Jesus Christ: Romans 5:20-21.
This encounter with the glory of God is the only explanation for the spreading of the Christian faith today. The fact that there were men and women transformed by the glory of God, who wanted others to experience the same too. That’s why we can confront the future of the church with hope, because God has decided that His glory shall be known among all the nations, that His only begotten incarnated Son shall be announced to everybody. Our prayers, though, are raised with the best of motives – that God shows His glory by saving the sinners. And that is precisely the reason why we can be sure that our requests will be heard by the Lord Jesus.
José Moreno
Motives of gratitude:
· For making us participants in your salvation.
· Because you count on us to save others
· For your initiative. Thank you because, being the God of Glory, you approached mankind.
· Forgive us for, as a church, not being good broadcasters of your salvation.
· May the transformation through the glory of God that we have experienced make us long to see others experimenting the same in their lives, announcing the good news of the Gospel.
· May we be people of prayer who intercede for those who don’t know Him yet.
· May we live with the hope of comprehending that God has decided that his glory be known by every nation.
About this Plan

“Everybody is a stranger - almost everywhere.” This slogan, which became very popular a couple of years ago, reflects a deep biblical truth: as Christians we are strangers in this world, we are travelling through, but this world is not our home. We are on our way to our definite destination: the heavenly mansion that Christ is building for us. Devotional plan provided by the Spanish Evangelical Alliance as a guide for the Week of Prayer 2018 in Europe (EEA)
We would like to thank Samuel Perez Millos, Matthew Leighton, Antonio Ruiz, Raquel Berrocal, Oliver Py, Edith Vilamajó, Samuel Escobar and José Moreno; José Hutter and Israel Montes for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.europeanea.org/index.php/week-of-prayer/