Toward a Fearless TomorrowSample

God Will Be God Tomorrow
Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? (Matthew 6:26)
What we see when we look at the birds is not a lesson in laziness.
Birds dig their worms and snatch their bugs and pad their nests with strings and leaves. But Jesus says it is God that feeds them. What we see when we look at the birds is a creature who does not act as though God is only a merciful provider for today but won't be tomorrow.
Birds don't anxiously horde things for the day of God's demise. They go about their work as though when the sun comes up tomorrow, God will still be God.
How much more, then, should we reckon with the reality and mercy of God tomorrow, since we are not brute birds, but children of our heavenly Father? The biggest difference between a disciple of Jesus and a bird is that we have the capacity of honoring God by our faith. And God values the exercise of our faith more than he values birds.
So we ought not to be anxious, because the birds have taught us that God can be counted on to work for us tomorrow just as much as today.
Jesus came, lived, died, and was raised from the dead, in order that he might reign as King over an anxiety-free people. So come to Jesus. Forsake all other allegiances. Take your vow of loyalty to the King of kings. And seek first in all you do to make known his kingship over your life. This and this alone is the way to freedom from anxiety.
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Fear . . . does it have a place in the Christian life? What does the Bible say? In this week-long devotional, John Piper shows us how knowing and embracing God’s greatness propels us into a fearless tomorrow.