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Bible Reflections From Scripture Union Volume OneSample

Bible Reflections From Scripture Union Volume One

DAY 167 OF 181

Look Beyond the Looks!
Read 1 Samuel 16:1-23

The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Consider this scenario: Two candidates are vying for the position of CEO of a big company. Both have the same qualifications and experience. One is short, pimply and plump while the other looks like a lead actor from one of those Korean dramas. No prizes for guessing who will get hired! Obsession with looks is not something new. It existed even in Samuel’s time.

Scripture describes Saul as ‘an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites – a head taller than any of the others’ (9:2). It is likely that Eliab matched Saul in looks. Setting his eyes on Eliab, Samuel was much relieved–he had hit the jackpot! But before he could pronounce Eliab king, God interrupted him (v 7). We are impressed by a person’s looks but God is not. He looks beyond the looks to the heart. So it was that David, who was like an afterthought with his father, was chosen and anointed (vs 11-13).

In Asian families it is not unusual for some children to be favoured and others to be sidelined, with their gifts and talents neither recognised nor affirmed. Often it is outsiders like their teachers who are able to see their capabilities. In David’s case, though his family did not think much of him, one of Saul’s servants thought him to be an incredible musician and a courageous warrior. Most importantly, he was certain that God was with David (v 18). Recognised for his abilities, it did not take long for David to enter Saul’s service.

Pray that parents will love all their children equally but see them as individuals who need to be nurtured differently.

Given the choice of a loving heart or good looks but not both – which would you desire in your spouse/children’s spouses?

Let us give people a chance to bring out the best in themselves.
Day 166Day 168

About this Plan

Bible Reflections From Scripture Union Volume One

Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia's Bible reflections are devotional readings from the thoughts and insights of Asian writers. Consisting of 8 volumes, they cover the whole Bible in four years. Each volume contains books from the Old and New Testaments, and has a mix of historical, poetic and prophetic books, the gospels and epistles. Using this you can cultivate the discipline of a regular, systematic engagement with Scripture and gain an understanding of its magnificent story.


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