Everywhere I Go: Learning to See JesusSample

Exam Time At 11:30 a.m. on the thirtieth of May, 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary ascended to the top of the highest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest. At the summit he planted the Union Jack of the British Empire, culminating years of planning and preparation, and days of agonizing effort. No man will ever climb higher than Hillary did that day at 29,002 feet above sea level. He had reached the pinnacle. But Genesis 22 records a climb that was in some ways much more difficult than Hillary's ascent of Everest. When Abraham climbed Mt. Moriah with his promised son Isaac, he faced the ultimate test of faith and endurance - the final exam to end all final exams. It represented the pinnacle of sacrifice for Abraham, and the pinnacle of submission for Isaac. What made the climb so agonizing was not the terrain, but the assignment that was to be carried out at the top. God asked Abraham to offer his own son as a sacrificeラthe son who was the very promise of God Himself. It was inexplicable. Inconceivable. But through this test, God was saying to Abraham: "I think you've matured to a new level of faith. I believe I can test you, and that you will prove faithful." And in a single afternoon, Abraham's hope was put to the test, his faith was put to the test, and his love was put to the test. God will have nothing less than all of us, and Abraham offered God all that he had.
About this Plan

You may begin this devotional at any point during the year. Each devotional is designed to focus your mind and heart on a single concept. Read the title, then read through the devotional section with an open heart. Go to your Bible again and read the suggested scripture passage, asking yourself, "Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow or a promise to claim?"
We would like to thank Dr. Ed Young for providing the "Everywhere I Go" plan. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Young and this plan, please visit their website at: www.winningwalk.org