Everywhere I Go: Learning to See JesusSample

Identified With God When a person steps out in faith to follow Jesus Christ, he becomes identified with Christ. Abram's faith and obedience caused him to be forever identified with Godラto the degree that God's enemies became Abram's enemies, and God's friends became Abram's friends. A Christian soon discovers that those who would curse God do not hesitate to curse him, and those who would bless God, bless him, too. It's a family thing. While I was away for a short while from the church where I pastor, my son Ben preached in my place. A woman who had never visited our church before but had watched our services on television attended for the first time. At the end of Ben's message, this woman came forward to receive Christ, and she told the counselor she spoke with afterwards, "You know, the pastor looks so much younger in person than he does on television - someone should see if they can touch up the tape!" The counselor laughed and said, "That wasn't the pastorラthat was his son!" Like it or not, my boys are often identified with me. There is a definite family resemblance. The fact that people identify me with my sons has always been a pleasure to me. I am proud of them. They are fine men. But I wonder if God is always so proud of our family resemblance? Do my actions as a son bring Him honor? I pray they do.
About this Plan

You may begin this devotional at any point during the year. Each devotional is designed to focus your mind and heart on a single concept. Read the title, then read through the devotional section with an open heart. Go to your Bible again and read the suggested scripture passage, asking yourself, "Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow or a promise to claim?"
We would like to thank Dr. Ed Young for providing the "Everywhere I Go" plan. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Young and this plan, please visit their website at: www.winningwalk.org