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More Than Just a Story - the Book of JohnSample

More Than Just a Story - the Book of John

DAY 32 OF 56

Jesus is at the home of His friends—Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. It was a celebration, a moment of gratitude for all Jesus had done, especially raising Lazarus from the dead. In the middle of the dinner, Mary does something unexpected. She took a jar of expensive perfume, poured it on Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair. The fragrance filled the entire house.

But not everyone saw it as beautiful. Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, immediately criticized her. "Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor?" he asked. On the surface, it sounded like a good argument. Shouldn't the money have been used for something more practical? But Jesus knew Mary’s heart. He defended her, saying, “Leave her alone. She has done this in preparation for my burial.”

There are always opinions about what is good, better, and best. Mary’s decision didn’t make sense to Judas, and it may not have made sense to others in the room either. But she wasn’t worried about their opinions—her focus was on Jesus. She gave her best to Him, even when others didn’t understand.

The next day, Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, and the crowds erupted in praise, waving palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” He was being welcomed as King. But this moment of celebration will be short lived. The people thought they were honoring a ruler who would overthrow Roman government, but Jesus was stepping into something far greater—a kingdom not of this world.

There were so many different voices in this passage—Judas criticizing, the crowds praising, the religious leaders plotting. Opinions were everywhere. Sounds oddly familiar doesn't it? But Jesus stayed on the path set before Him. He wasn’t swayed by the noise. He knew His purpose.

The same is true for us. When we follow Jesus, there will always be opinions about what we should or shouldn’t do. People will question our choices, criticize our faith, or suggest a more “practical” way. But at the end of the day, your relationship with Jesus, your calling, your purpose is between you and Him. His plans may not make sense to the world and at times to you, but the pursuit of that calling and purpose is yours.

Mary anointed Jesus, and He stepped immediately into His final journey as King—the path that as we will read in the days to come would lead to His death and resurrection. Following Jesus will always come with resistance, but when we tune out the noise and listen to His voice, we will find the peace and purpose that only He can give.

What decisions is God calling you to make right now that may not make sense to others?

Will you let the noise of the world distract you, or will you trust that following Jesus is always worth it?


Day 31Day 33

About this Plan

More Than Just a Story - the Book of John

The book of John reveals Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God by focusing on His life and ministry. This is an anthology, created by a diverse group of people from different backgrounds and perspectives, all connected to Embrace Church MN. Through personal reflections and insights, it explores the entire book of John, connecting its timeless truths to real-life experiences. Whether you're new to the Bible or deeply familiar with it, this journey will help you know Jesus more—not just through facts, but by allowing His life to inspire and transform you each day.


We would like to thank Embrace Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: