Pain to PURPOSE!Sample

Day Three
Step 3: Surrender the Pain to God
In order to heal completely and move on, we cannot keep carrying the pain.
Jesus went to the cross and carried all of our burdens so we wouldn't have to.
It's especially important to cast all your cares on the Lord (1 Peter 5:7). I like to say cast your care and leave it there!
When we surrender to God we are acknowledging Him as our source. We need someone greater than us to help.
God is the great physician, and our healing comes from Him!
"...I am the Lord who heals you." Exodus 15:26
When I first started my healing journey after being sexually abused for so many years and living in a toxic environment, I finally set the needed boundaries into place.
Yes, boundaries are biblical.
Unfortunately, these boundaries were a no contact boundary. This was one of the hardest things I've done in my life, but I knew in order for me to start healing I needed to be removed from it all. Maybe this is something you need to consider and pray about. God will lead and guide you. Not everyone's healing journey looks the same.
Another helpful step I took on my healing journey was seeing a therapist. Never in my life did I think I would ever need to see a therapist yet here I was in an office telling a complete stranger things I had never told anyone before (quite frankly, it was things I never verbalized before because it was too painful). I will note that after getting it out it felt so freeing. Here I was telling a complete stranger the pain I had endured, and she quietly listened to everything I had to say. No judgements. Just listening.
Other than my husband, she was the only other person who validated me and all my feelings, thoughts and emotions. I wasn't the crazy one like I was told. I wasn't bi-polar like they said. I wasn't on drugs like they believed. I was indeed in a safe place able to share everything I had been through and not only that I was receiving the help and support I needed.
I went to her (my therapist) for quite some time and then I got to the point where I realized I needed more. At this time, I wasn't a Christian yet, and my therapist was not either. After having this realization of needing something more, I quit going to my appointments.
I had been feeling much better about my situation and so grateful but wasn't sure what to do next. I had no Christian people around me telling me I needed God's help.
Fast forward...6 years later, I met a man name Jesus and He changed my life forever! It wasn't until I fully surrendered my life to Christ that I was truly able to start the deep inner healing I so desperately wanted and needed.
Shortly after I surrendered, I told the Lord that I wanted to be healed from it ALL. In tomorrow's study I will share with you what God told me to do next!
But for now...I want you to SURRENDER ALL THE PAIN to God. It doesn't matter how big or small it is. If it matters to you it matters to God.
In Matthew Jesus says, don't worry. For your Father cares deeply about even the smallest detail of your life. To me this says I can tell God anything no matter the size. I can not only tell Him every detail but check this out...He cares! He wants me to tell Him everything. He is such a good Father.
I know some of us reading this devotional have grown up in a home where we were told to be quiet, to keep the secrets, to not say anything, it's not that big of a deal, you're fine, people have it worse than you...we must re-wire our brain from that toxic mindset to what the Word of God says.
”Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes." (Romans 12:2 TPT)
God's Word is the infallible truth. So, if God says in His word that he cares deeply for me and He cares about every detail no matter how small it is, then that is what I am going to believe.
We get to choose what we believe. I pray you will believe His Word is for you.
God wants to heal us, but He cannot heal what you won't surrender to Him.
Our Abba is very patient. He will not come in and take over (the enemy will but not our Abba). He will wait ever so patiently for you to come to Him. Don't be afraid to come to Him for your healing.
In Scripture Jesus says...Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you'll discover that I am gentle, humble and easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.
Friend, it's time to lay down the heavy burden you've been carrying for so long. It's time to cast your care and leave it there. Don't pick up the pain and burdens again. You've carried them long enough. Just because you are laying down the burden/the care doesn't mean they aren't important to you, it means you are no longer carrying the care.
Jesus is our caretaker. Let Him carry them for us.
I hear the Lord saying, now is the time for healing. Now is the time for refreshment. Just come to me and let me heal you. I want to. I am able. I am willing.
Surrender the pain to God. It doesn't matter how big or small or how insignificant it may seem. If it matters to you it matters to God. Since I personally love to write, I will encourage you to write out the pain you are surrendering.
There is something therapeutic about being able to visually see your progress at hand.
At the top of the page write out I Surrender the Pain of... and begin to write out your list. This may take some time. Feel free to come back later and add more if needed. Write out the pain as Holy Spirit brings it to your attention.
Every pain that you are reminded of is where God wants to heal you. This should be an encouragement to you.
When writing out your surrender list were there any pain points that came up that surprised you?
Why did it surprise you?
I cast all of my cares all of my burdens at the precious feet of Jesus, and I leave them there. I refuse to pick them up and carry them any longer. Today I surrender all of the pain that I've been carrying. If the enemy tries to get to me pick it back up, I will declare Jesus is my caretaker and He is taking care of it for me! I let it go in Jesus' name! Amen.
Lord, I feel your presence so strongly as I write this out for my friend. I know you want them healed and made whole. I know and believe that now is the time for them to be healed, set free and delivered. I pray for my friend today that you give them what they need so they will choose to surrender all the pain to you. Not just some of the pain but all of it. Today. I pray that Holy Spirit will give them the words to write. I pray that every pain that they are holding onto no matter how old it is, no matter how big or small... that they would surrender it to you today. I pray that with each pain they lay at your precious feet that they would start to feel the peace that only you can give them in this moment. I pray that they would feel light, like the weight has been lifted up off them. I pray that they would cling to your promises of healing, rest and refreshment as they put their total trust in you for their healing. I pray that they would see you Abba as their Great Physician, one who is gentle and humble, willing and able. Lord, I ask you to bless my friends that are reading today's study with your supernatural peace that surpasses all understand in Your mighty name. Amen.
About this Plan

Are you ready to break free from the pain that’s been holding you back and step boldly into your God-given purpose? This 8-step Bible plan will guide you through the journey of healing, restoration, and transformation. With biblical wisdom, practical steps, and encouragement, you’ll learn how to release the weight of your past, embrace God’s promises, and walk confidently in the purpose He has prepared for you. It’s time to trade pain for purpose and live the abundant life you were created for!
We would like to thank Made for More Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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