Success in God's EyesSample

In this Plan, we have focused on the 4 F's of success. It is my hope that you will live a Faithful, Fruitful, and Fulfilled life that makes God Famous! You may have noted that these 4 F's are primarily results or outcomes. For many of you, this raises the question of how to cultivate these results in your life. You don't want to just hope for the 4 F's; you want to intentionally move towards the 4 F's. But is there really any way to make it more likely that the 4 F's will be the results of your life?
I believe there is. I call this living in The Zone of God's Anointing.
If you have ever hit a golf ball or kicked a soccer ball, you know that every ball has a "sweet spot." You can hit the ball in many different spots, but only when you hit the sweet spot will the ball go the furthest distance. This is why a golfer can often feel and hear a good shot long before seeing where it is going. A good golfer immediately knows when they hit the ball in the sweet spot.
There is also a sweet spot of impact in your spiritual life- The Zone of God's Anointing. Three crucial parts of your life come together in The Zone: your Spiritual Gifts, ministry passions, and personal style. When you live life in The Zone of God's Anointing, you WILL see 4 F's happen as a result.
Paul encouraged the Corinthians,
"Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed." (1 Corinthians 12:1)
We should not be uninformed, either.
The stakes are too high.
If you don't know your Spiritual Gifts, ministry passions, and personal style, take steps to find out. Many churches offer classes to help you understand your Spiritual Gifts and how to get them into play in the Body of Christ. Seek to live in The Zone of God's Anointing every day so that the 4 F's will be the result of your life.
You will be Faithful, Fruitful, Fulfilled, and making God Famous.
God's Will is that you live an anointed life. May it be so!
Questions for Reflection:
1. How has my definition of success changed because of this series?
2. Is there someone who I should share this Plan with?
Recommended Resource:
To learn more about living life in The Zone of God's Anointing, you can find a chapter by that title in Don's book Experiencing Leadershift.
For more spiritual growth opportunities, including a free Spiritual Gifts assessment, please visit
About this Plan

How do you define success? What are the measures that you use? God measures success differently than the world does, and as God's people, we should as well. We need a new yardstick, one that measures according to the Spirit, not the flesh. So, the real question is this: How can you know if your life will be a success in God's Eyes? Join Pastor and author Don Cousins to explore Success in God’s Eyes.
We would like to thank Discovery Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: