Living the Dream: A Devotional for Students Through the Life of JosephSample

Day 8 - Run for Your Life
There was a study done in the 1970s by Stanford University called, “The Marshmallow Test.” In the test, children were offered one marshmallow that they could immediately eat. But, they were also offered two marshmallows of a bigger size if they chose to wait 15 minutes. What the study showed was that most children would rather not wait for the blessing that was promised and, instead, would rather choose instant gratification. What we read today is that Joseph experienced a test (but it didn't involve marshmallows!)
At this point in his life, Joseph had a lot going for him. Even though he had been sold into slavery, the man who bought him gave him authority over his entire household. What an unexpected blessing! He was surrounded by much favor. Perhaps after some time, Joseph got used to it. After all, he was doing his job well, living comfortably in Potiphar's house, and had no worries about where his next meal would come from. Life was good. But all of that would change in a single moment when his character was tested by someone he never expected.
Our text today is very different from where we found ourselves yesterday. Yesterday was all about God’s unexpected and undeserved blessings upon Joseph’s life. But the passage today tells of a turn of events where Joseph was faced with a choice. Potiphar’s wife (his boss’ wife) approached Joseph and tried to get him to sleep with her…multiple times. Joseph had been given so many blessings and he wanted to honor God with His life.
Day after day, Joseph said no to her propositions. Over and over he acknowledged his blessings rather than forgetting them and he chose to walk away from stepping into sin. In the last verse of this text, we read of Potiphar’s wife's plot to take him out. She was persistent but He was determined. He would not give in to the temptation in front of him. Instead, he chose to flee from it regardless of what that could mean for His future.
When we choose to stay strong in our convictions, God is honored. It may be hard, but in the end, the blessings God has for those who stay focused on Him are better than any temporary satisfaction.
What is one way recently that you have overlooked the blessings God has for your life and instead chose the instant gratification of sin? Talk to God today and ask Him to give you courage to stand up to temptation in your life.
About this Plan

What does it really mean to "live the dream"? In this 15-day student devotional, we’ll explore the extraordinary life of Joseph—a young man with big dreams, a rocky journey, and an unshakable faith in God’s plan. From betrayal to blessing, Joseph's story shows us how God’s faithfulness changes our trials into triumphs. Whether you’re in the pit, the palace, or somewhere in between, Joseph’s story reminds us that God's purposes are always bigger than our circumstances—and His plans for us are better than we could ever imagine.
We would like to thank Hope City Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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