GLEANINGS - NumbersSample

Lessons from the census
1. God’s cares for each individual. To some, reading a census count is one of the most boring sections of the Bible. Yet, like any data about a population, this census count is filled with interesting facts. once you know what to look for. The famous Jewish commentator Rashi observed that the census counts show that God loves His people and keeps careful track of them the way a good shepherd keeps track of his sheep. Jesus knows every hair on your head (Matt 10:29; Lk. 12:17).
We must also keep track of our spiritual growth. Carefully assessing growth is not just the duty of the church; it is a responsibility for each believer as well.
2. Spiritual growth happens when you turn to God. If we study the trends between the second and third census counts, we find that exactly seven of the 12 tribes grew in number. For example, by the beginning of their journey, the Manasseh tribe had fighting men totaling 32,200 (Nu. 1:35). By the end of their 38-year-journey, their fighting men totaled 52,700 (Nu. 26:34). This was an increase of 20,500 or 63.66%.
The Bible does not explicitly say what these tribes did to grow while in the wilderness. But Lev. 26:3, 9 says “If you walk in my statutes and keep My commandments so as to carry them out . . . So I will turn toward you and make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will confirm my covenant with you.”
3. God punishes those who rebel against him. The third census reveals that the tribes that rebelled against God all shrank in number. This is also exactly what God warned would happen before the Jews left (Lev. 26:14, 18-39). At the beginning of their journey, the fighting men of Simeon for example, totaled 59,300 (Nu. 1:23). Yet, at the end, they totaled only 22,200 (Nu. 26:14). This was a decrease of 37,100 or 62.56%. At the time of Jacob’s death, he warned that the tribe of Simeon was cursed for its disobedience: “Let my soul not enter into their council; let not my glory be united with their assembly . . . I will disperse them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel.” (Gen. 49:6-7). Unlike Levi (Josh. 13:32-14:5), the Simeon tribe never repented. Thus, they continued to diminish in strength after entering the land, just as God foretold.
4. The importance of being set apart for God.The Levites were not counted as part of the military census because their men were not expected to fight in the battle. Their count also happened after the discussion on the division of land because they would receive no land (Nu. 26:62). They were to be set apart for God’s use.
At the time the journey began, the men of the Levite tribe numbered 22,000 (Nu. 4:39). At the end of their journey, their numbers totaled 23,000 (Nu. 26:62). This was an increase of 1,000 or 4.5%. Their growth shows that we can achieve spiritual growth when we are set apart for God and we repent of our prior sins. Korah, who rebelled against Moses, was a Levite (Nu. 26:58). Yet, the tribe repented and still grew by 4.5%.
Your past sins also will not keep you from obtaining spiritual growth if you repent (Ro. 8:1)
Application Questions:
1. Do you keep track of your growth in the Lord? Have you set any goals in terms of spiritual growth? Is your walk with the Lord getting stronger each year, or is it languishing while you walk in the wilderness?
2. How are you believing God’s promises? Is your faith passive or active?
Spiritual maturity is not reached by the passing of the years, but by obedience to the will of God. - Oswald Chambers
Lord, I thank you that I am a handcrafted individual by You for a purpose. Help me not to just allow life to happen, but to make life happen, as I submit to You to accomplish Your plans and purposes for my life. Amen.
About this Plan

GLEANINGS is a one-year devotional through the Bible. A title like Numbers may sound about as exciting as “Dictionary” or “Phone Book,” but get ready for a surprise. This book is loaded with powerful stories. It graphically shows what happens when people sin, but it also holds hope for those who desire God’s mercy and want to experience his faithfulness.
We would like to thank Vijay Thangiah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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