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Turning Fear to FaithSample

Turning Fear to Faith

DAY 1 OF 5

Day 1: Turning Fear to Faith

Very few things bring us to our knees like the power of fear. As children, fear comes upon us as the darkness of night, or getting separated from our parents in a crowd, or (at least for me) being tossed high in the air by my mom or dad. Without fail, as I descended back into loving arms, the world was right again, until the next toss started the process over.

Unfortunately, growing up and becoming an adult doesn’t automatically shield us against strong feelings of fear, and neither does becoming a Christian. So how can we as Christians navigate our emotions, shifting from fear to faith when life seems to be coming apart at the seams?

What I have learned during the span of my faith journey is that, without fail, God has always been there to catch me. And it has renewed my strength in His faithfulness.

My own life’s journey has included some incredible highs . . . but also some deep lows. From the mountaintop, seeking the will of God and trusting the voice of God isn’t so hard. But I have found that camping out at His feet in the valleys has been a critical “faith survival skill” in the face of fear. Faith seems easy until it gets hard, and yet it’s the trials and troubles that seem to have shaped me the most.

How can you and I have peace during the most difficult times? How do you anchor a ship when the waves are tossing you all about? Where is the peace and (better yet) the understanding when things seem to be the darkest?

To try to understand this peace that passes all understanding, we have to return to the Garden of Eden, where fear first entered the world. The Bible mentions two specific types of fear. The first type is beneficial and is to be encouraged. The second type is detrimental and is to be overcome.

The first type of fear is fear of the Lord. This is a reverential awe of God. A reverence for His power and glory. It is also a proper respect for His holiness and wrath. In other words, the fear of the Lord acknowledges all that God is, and it comes through knowing Him and His attributes.

Once Adam and Eve were given the choice of all but one produce in the garden, the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge took center stage. Convinced by a snake that death was off the table, their ultimate choice of this prohibited, eye-appealing delicacy changed the trajectory of choice for all of mankind, leaving pain and destruction in its path.

Suddenly the fear of failure, the future, or even death were realities that humans would have to contend with.

To transition from fear to faith and navigate through life’s difficulties, we require a rock to anchor to. For me, that rock is Jesus Christ.

In the toughest situations, the only rest I have found is in His love and direction. From an extremely sick child, to a failed marriage, to tremendously challenging times at work, each conflict drove me to my knees. Ironically, from that seemingly “weak” and vulnerable position, I gained the strength to get through each crisis. Putting my faith in Christ, rather than in myself, has made the difference.

Turning fear into faith requires dying to oneself again and again in each situation—sometimes daily, sometimes hourly. We all have to release our fear to God Himself. One of my all-time favorite verses is found in Philippians 4:6–7:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

It’s my anchor verse, and even in the worst of situations, I find myself constantly returning to its promise.

When I am afraid, I take to my knees. There, I find my hope and strength. There, I prayerfully gain the faith to believe—and anticipate—that God will move in His perfect timing and plan for my life.

  • Psalm 34:4
  • Habakkuk 2:3
  • Exodus 14:14
Day 2

About this Plan

Turning Fear to Faith

Few things bring us to our knees as quickly as fear, but sometimes that’s exactly where we need to be. How do we face our fears and move forward in spite of them? Better yet, how do we find the peace that passes all understanding in the middle of the storm? Come take a step of faith by walking through this five day devotional, learning how to trust the hand of God when your circumstances seem out of control.


We would like to thank Ricky Dickson for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: