Biblical Success = Running Our Race - Guide Unto Our PathSample

A focus scripture for this study is Proverbs 29:18; “Without revelation (vision) a people cast off restraint.” NKJV The sense of the message is that we need revelation or vision in our lives. We need a “true north” to restrain us from going off in a direction that is not coherent with our true goal or destination We need intentional focus on what matters most.
My favorite definition of vision in is “A perceived worthy result.” In terms of our lives as Christ's followers, the most worthy result for us is to hear Jesus say, “Well done good and faithful servant! Enter into the joy prepared for you from the foundations of the Earth” as we pass through the Judgment Seat Of Christ and into eternal life with Him. What we do, how, and why we do it here matters there forever.
Can there be anything more important to us as Christ's followers? If we can’t answer that question or hesitate to answer it we simply have not understood life in its reality for a believer. We are living two lives at once as we read this study. One the Bible calls “life in the flesh or mortal life” and the other it calls “eternal life or life immortal life.” We will only live in the flesh once and that is for a short time but our eternal lives are forever. The eternal perspective of life says “Only one life, soon to be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Life in the flesh says “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die and that’s it.”
One is a life lived as Jesus did, living on earth with one eye toward eternity. The other is focused on things and values that are only of real value on earth. A SOP helps us keep focus in the face of the constant attacks and influences that pound on us every day, almost every moment of every day, to take away our eternal destiny as children of God and followers of Jesus. The world, the flesh, and the devil scream at us “Forget that nonsense go for the gusto! Grab all you can! Build Bigger barns!” But one day only one thing will matter to each of us. That will be our answer to the question, “What did you do with what I died to give you?” Jesus will ask the question, each of us must answer.
Most of what we will tell Him about happens in the everyday of life. Too many of us live bifurcated, separated lives with one part called sacred or spiritual and the rest secular. Life is never intended to be divided. Jesus never calls a “part-time” disciple. We ARE THE CHURCH 24/7. We need help to remember that. A Statement of our purpose that includes and excites our sense of the eternal purpose of life is hugely helpful.
There are 4 critical components of a working and enduring SOP. They include these factors; 1) Make it short and easy to memorize. To be maximally effective, your Statement of Purpose needs to be easy to memorize and bring to your mind to help in making real-life decisions, 2) Construct it as a plumb line that can help you make go-no go decisions, 3) include your eternal purpose as you understand it, 4) Use words that excite you and could be effective over a lifetime!
Take the time now to begin to write it. Just sketch it out. Play with words. Make it fun If you already have a personal “North Star” check it against the 4 criteria. Be prayerful and press on!
About this Plan

This study will encourage the creation of a Christ-centered personal Mission Statement or Statement of Purpose that can be used as a “North Star” for navigating life. It will discuss having an eternal vision based on God’s purpose and priority.
We would like to thank C12 Business Forums, LLC for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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