The Seven 'I Am' StatementsSample

…the Bread of Life
Hello, and thank you for spending some time with me today! This week, we are going to take a deep dive into the amazing and miraculous statements that Jesus makes in the book of John. Jesus could have introduced Himself to all of us in any way that He wanted, but He chose seven strategic “I AM” statements that tell us so much about His character and heart for us. Let’s do this together!
I had the privilege to go to Ukraine some years back. The current heartbreak for me is that some of the places we stayed and ministered in are no longer there because of the war. When we were there, we went to a little town, Apostlova, and went to eat dinner. We arrived at a small family café that was only serving two items: bread and broth. My American sensibilities about the limited menu choices showed up, but then I ate! Out of the kitchen came a brick of warm, dark, rich rye bread weighted with nutrition and goodness. The thunk on the table when it arrived was a clue to its richness. Tearing off chunks of bread, dipping them in the broth and chewing, and swallowing and chewing some more was sheer joy! Think about that bread as you hear Jesus say,
“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’” (John 6:35, NIV)
Right now, in this very moment, Jesus is saying that as the Bread of Life, He is God. He is enough. He can sustain you. He keeps His promises. Jesus wants you to know that eating the Bread of Life can FILL you with more than enough compassion, love, hope, joy, resilience, strength, fortitude, passion, and purpose.
As a part of my calling, I did street ministry in Los Angeles. A part of that ministry was serving in the food distribution of a local church. We were warned that people could become angry and pushy in the lines. I asked the director about the frustration, and she said something that stuck with me, “Grant, many of our guests were raised in the Soviet Union when the Iron Curtain was firmly in place. They grew up fighting for food and the fear that there will not be any food tomorrow, sometimes gets the best of them. The fear that there will not be enough sticks with them.”
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry again.” My friends, there is always enough BREAD of life! God is inexhaustible in His ability to be enough. Later on in John 6, Jesus says again, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
My friend, I want you to carry this miracle thought with you today. Jesus is God. Jesus is more than enough. Jesus can sustain you. Jesus always keeps His promises.
My prayer for you is that you give thanks for the bread on your table and that as you allow it to nourish you, you will also acknowledge that the BREAD OF LIFE is yours for the receiving!
Jesus, you are more than enough. Bless them today as they receive the Bread of Life. May they use this spiritual nutrition to live out Your calling and Your purpose today. Jesus, You are this miracle BREAD. We celebrate You today as the God who can multiply bread and feed thousands. We are grateful that You chose to include us today in Your miracles! Amen!
Never forget, my friend...
You are a miracle!
P.S. The texts of this reading come from the daily email A Miracle Every Day. If you would like to receive daily encouragement, I invite you to subscribe to A Miracle Every Day.
About this Plan

In these seven days, we are going to take a deep dive into the amazing and miraculous statements that Jesus makes in the book of John. Jesus could have introduced Himself to all of us in any way that He wanted, but He chose seven strategic “I AM” statements that tell us so much about His character and heart for us.
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