You Were Made for MoreSample

The Prepared
Ever know you’ve got a tough act to follow? Or have you ever felt that the work you’re about to do is beyond what you’ve been trained for?
Elisha was about to take over for Elijah, who had been the greatest prophet ever. He’d done amazing works, he’d spoken truth to power. He’d even raised someone from the dead. How in the world do you follow that?
Elijah reveals to us the principle of preparation. Elijah told his young apprentice, if you were with me until the end, you’ll receive a double blessing.
Being with him was the signature of Elijah‘s ministry. Right before this text, Elijah had asked his young apprentice to leave him three different times. Each time Elisha said, “I’m not leaving.”
Elisha was the picture of showing up for work every day, and being available in every situation. That faithfulness wasn’t just a virtue unto itself. Faithfully showing up for work every day is the preparation that’s often needed for the bigger job that lies ahead.
Our studies of unicorns showed that they love being prepared, and that most of their preparation is revealed in the way they faithfully do the job assigned to them in their current situation. There are lots of ways to talk about how to be more prepared for work.
If that sounds exhausting or going too above and beyond, think about this: What if the work God has entrusted to you today is preparation for much bigger work in the future? Remember the original karate kid movie? Remember Daniel having to wax all of the cars? Paint all of the fences, and sand all of the floors? None of that repetitive work made any sense until the moment Mr. Miyagi showed Daniel how doing those jobs was teaching him the fundamentals of karate.
Have you ever considered that Jesus spent 30 years growing and doing carpentry just so he could be ready for three years of ministry?
Don’t mistake what seems like today’s mundane work as mundane. It’s often preparation for greater things in the future.
Many times, simply showing up for work every day and being prepared is a mark of greatness. In studying unicorns, we found that they are relentless in preparation, and that one of their top ways of preparing for their next work was to faithfully complete their current work. Unicorns don’t take a promotion until they have trained their replacement. Unicorns are always preparing by simply always doing the job in front of them.
My suggestion for your development in this skill? Simply show up and do your job. Elisha prepared for a work that was greater than he could’ve ever accomplished by simply showing up for work. Do the things that God has entrusted to you today, and you will be more prepared for what comes tomorrow.
Lord, help me to show up for today’s job today. Help me to do it well, and to pay attention to what I’m learning. Finally Lord, use today’s work to prepare me for tomorrow and the next day so I can do the greater works you have in store for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
About this Plan

In this two-week plan inspired by entrepreneur and CEO, William Vanderbloemen's "Be The Unicorn,” we take a look at Jesus' message that we were "made for more." We will examine how Jesus and other Biblical characters embody each of the 12 "unicorn" traits and how you, too, can hone these habits. As you read and study, you will realize how Jesus has empowered you to become more than you ever imagined - you were made for more!
We would like to thank Vanderbloemen for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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