You Were Made for MoreSample

The Purpose Driven
If you really want to do greater things in life, you need to be working in the direction of your life purpose. And don’t think God doesn’t have goals and a direction for your life. As my friend Joel Osteen says, “If you’re still breathing, God’s not finished.”
In studying the unicorns of the world, we discovered that they all had a north star guiding their work. There is some sort of internal compass that guides their life. The research also showed that the higher someone’s purpose is, the farther they will go in life. That is to say, the more noble an idea or goal someone is fixed on, the more noble and good their life ends up being.
Do you have a purpose for your life that you’re aware of? Yes it’s to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength and your neighbor as yourself. But what particular role do you have in this world with your work life?
When Paul referred to David in today’s text, I think he paid David one of the highest compliments that can be given. He said David served his time and generation. David didn’t serve generically, he served his particular purpose in his particular day and time. Do you know what your particular purpose for this day and time is?
I have a life goal. My purpose and guiding star is pretty simple. I want to overpopulate heaven. Put more precisely, I want to be part of a movement that overpopulates heaven. How cool would that be? Wouldn’t it be funny to get to heaven and Jesus complain about all of the people that actually showed up? He’s the one who told us to invite them all!
Within that goal of overpopulating heaven, I think that the best use of my gifts is creating connections between the great kingdom, organizations, and unicorn leaders of the world. I think I have somewhat of a gift for this, and I don’t know a way to help the church move farther and faster than to help leaders find their right place.
That’s not to say I don’t have goals as a disciple, husband, and father. But what we found with unicorns is that they tie their purpose to what they’re spending their life doing. They don’t simply see their work as a job, but as a vocation. A calling.
We spend more time in the workplace than anywhere else in life. It’s our single biggest chance to make an impact. So have you aligned your work with your purpose? It’s time to start.
Lord, teach me to look higher. Teach me to look to the hills and beyond for you as my strength. You promised long ago that your sheep would know your voice, and they would listen to it. So fulfill your promise, Lord, and let me know your voice and calling on my life. And then give me the courage to do what you’ve called me to do. Give me ears to listen and the guts to follow. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
About this Plan

In this two-week plan inspired by entrepreneur and CEO, William Vanderbloemen's "Be The Unicorn,” we take a look at Jesus' message that we were "made for more." We will examine how Jesus and other Biblical characters embody each of the 12 "unicorn" traits and how you, too, can hone these habits. As you read and study, you will realize how Jesus has empowered you to become more than you ever imagined - you were made for more!
We would like to thank Vanderbloemen for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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