Becoming More Like Jesus: GenerositySample

Becoming More Like Jesus: Generosity
As apprentices of Jesus, we are called to live our time on earth with purpose and intentionality as we seek to make the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven our highest priority. Living with purpose and intentionality opens the door for generosity to come in and take up residency in our hearts. Again and again, Scripture instructs us to give generously of our time, talent, and treasure with an eye toward prioritizing those who have no way of ever repaying our act of kindness. (See Acts 20:35, 1 Timothy 6:18, and Hebrews 13:16)
So, what would it look like to become more like Jesus in the area of generosity? In this reading plan, we will consider five practices from the Way of Jesus that can help us cultivate a heart of generosity.
Before we consider the first practice, it is worth noting that stepping out in obedience in the area of generosity is not just for those fortunate few who have been blessed with an abundance of time, money, or rare talent. Regardless of how small we might think our gift is, every life is a treasure worthy of being given away to God and others. No gift is too small. No giver is too broken. And no life is too unworthy of receiving.
Here is the first practice from the life of Jesus that can help us cultivate a heart of generosity: Solitude.
Jesus said, "Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me." (John 15:4NRSV) Practically speaking, how do we step into Jesus' invitation to abide in Him? One way is to prioritize the regular practice of solitude.
It has been said that we naturally become like the people we keep in close proximity. Solitude is our way of prioritizing time alone with Jesus so that we might become more like Him. In His presence, we naturally begin to take on His character and ways. At His feet, we learn to hear and respond to His still small voice.
As the years go by, the consistent practice of getting away with Jesus in the quiet place produces in us the fruit of compassion, empathy, and gratitude. And when our hearts begin to overflow with compassion, empathy, and gratitude, we can't help but respond with generosity. In turn, our eyes are opened to the pressing needs of so many living in darkness all around us.
Friend, what would it look like for you to regularly go away with Jesus into the quiet? How might your time alone with Him begin to transform your heart in the area of generosity? Today, consider for a moment the impact your acts of generosity might have on your corner of the world.
About this Plan

As apprentices of Jesus, we are called to live with purpose, seeking to make the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven our highest priority. Living with purpose and intentionality opens the door for generosity to come in and take up residency in our hearts. In this reading plan, we will consider five practices from the Way of Jesus that can help us cultivate a heart of generosity.
We would like to thank OnThe3rdDay for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: