Good NewsSample

When Did the Gospel Become Bad News?
The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
(Mark 1:15 NIV)
We’ve all heard that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Good News.
As followers of Jesus, we hold fast to this truth.
Multiple verses in the Bible refer to what Jesus accomplished on the cross as Good News, either directly or indirectly. There are Bibles available with ‘Good News’ emblazoned across their covers. There is a Good News translation of the word of God available to all.
My question to you is this - when did all of this become bad news?
If I told you today that someone in history took all of the things that you have ever thought, done, or wanted to do wrong upon their own shoulders and rid you of the penalty of those wrongs, forever, what would you say?
What if I told you that the motivation this individual had for doing this was pure love for you? Not only has He done this for you, but for everyone on earth - past, present and future - who would believe in Him and what He has done.
What if I told you that this person didn’t just die the most painful of deaths imaginable, but rose from death to life and is now sitting at the right hand of the Creator of the universe in Heaven, where He intercedes in prayer for you day and night?
What if I told you that through faith and baptism, you can receive the Holy Spirit to empower you to live the rest of your days as a sold-out follower of Jesus?
And finally, what if I told you that this unimaginably great free gift ends with an eternal life in Heaven where your Saviour is preparing a place for you even as we speak?
Someone tell me that is not Good News!!!
If you are reading this and do not profess faith in Jesus yet, please let me share this powerful quote from C.S Lewis with you:
“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”
I implore you, if you do not have faith in Jesus Christ today, please consider my words, the words of C.S. Lewis, and more importantly, the word of God:
‘If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.’
(Romans 10:9-10 NIV)
That’s it.
All Jesus asks of us is to believe in Him and what He has accomplished on our behalf, and we get to spend the rest of our lives in pursuit of His goodness, and then eternity in His presence.
Please reach out. Speak to someone you know who has faith in Jesus. Don’t let this opportunity of infinite importance pass you by.
About this Plan

When did the Gospel stop feeling like good news? Imagine being guilty of a crime and then set free because someone else took your place - that’s truly life-changing! Join us as we dive into the powerful message of Jesus Christ and discover the deep impact of His sacrifice, offering freedom and hope for everyone. Let’s rediscover why this news is truly 'Good.'
We would like to thank CBN UK for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: