Living in Increase (Part 12) - Increase in FocusSample

Glory to God
On day one this week, we said that when you are looking for purpose, you are looking for why you were created. Yesterday, we learned that finding our purpose is an order of operation. The first step to solving the problem is to love God and love people. Love is step one because bringing glory to God is step two, and if we can’t love, we can’t bring glory to God.
When we look at the Book of Genesis and the original purpose of God’s creation, it was for Adam and Eve to flourish. God gave Adam and Eve everything they needed and called them to enjoy His creation and steward what was provided. God called humankind through His commands to Adam and Eve to be fruitful, to multiply and fill the earth, and to have dominion over the creation. This calling was God’s invitation for humankind to flourish. Essentially, God purposed humankind to thrive, and to thrive, we must steward the gifts He gave us. As a result of good stewardship, God will continue to provide more opportunities for us to flourish, increasing our degree of stewardship. It’s a cycle of growth!
When we flourish in our everyday lives, we bring glory to God. Three basic principles will keep us in good stewardship while continuing to thrive in the day-to-day tasks God puts in front of us, allowing us to feel fulfilled in our purpose as Christ Followers.
Worship: Often, when people think of worship, they think of singing songs of praise before a church service, but worship is not an event we attend singing songs of praise; worship is an attitude. It is an expression of reverence to the one true God and a part of a personal relationship with God that brings Him glory, growing your intimacy with Him. Worship is an invitation by God to enjoy Him. It’s loving God, enjoying God, and allowing God to use us for His purpose. Romans 6:13 says, “…so use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.” Worship is designed for God, not as a feeling or emotion we get when we sing songs in Sunday service. Worship is a lifestyle! 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all things to the glory of God.” When we go about our day in a mindset of worship in everything we do, we bring glory to God, flourishing in our intimacy with God.
Fellowship: Most of us understand fellowship as it relates to joining groups and building lasting friendships. Fellowship within the church brings glory to God full circle. Fellowship brings encouragement to one another, and that brings glory to God. Hebrews 10:24 says, “And let’s consider how to encourage each other in love and good deeds.” Fellowship and love go hand in hand. Fellowship is also about an intimate friendship with God. As a little girl growing up in an old Baptist church, I used to love to sing the song “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” It was a sweet song and a reminder that God wants to be our best friend. We can go to the Creator and talk to Him like friends! We can enjoy fellowship with God one-on-one in our daily conversations with Him. Fellowship is about creating a friendship with God so that you are constantly conversing with Him as you go about your day-to-day business.
Obedience: 1 John 2:5 tells us that whoever follows God’s Word has perfected the love of God, and through obedience, we know that we are in Him. Obedience allows us to flourish in our purpose while radiating the character of God to the people around us. Obedience is a form of worship; it pleases God when we follow His commands. Obedience to biblical principles is not meant to be restrictive or controlling; instead, it’s a gift that teaches us how to emulate God’s character while defining the parameters of living out our purpose.
Lindsey Whitney
Action Step: Review the three principles of good stewardship again: worship, fellowship, and obedience. Identify the one you need the most help with. Ask God to help you increase in this area.
About this Plan

Are you ready to increase your focus? Join us for this 28-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.
We would like to thank Discover Life Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: