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Seeing Jesus Through the Eyes of the Christmas Story CharactersSample

Seeing Jesus Through the Eyes of the Christmas Story Characters

DAY 6 OF 25

ADVENT DAY 6: Angel Gabriel Reassures Joseph


Gabriel shows up a third time in the Christmas narrative, this time to reassure Joseph, Mary’s betrothed, that she was not unfaithful to him but was carrying the Son of God. It was the first of two times Gabriel would reassure Mary’s not-so-sure husband.

What’s an angel to do? Joseph was a godly man – he was faithful to the law. He could have publicly humiliated Mary for her infidelity, but he chose to do what was easier on Mary and “divorce her quietly.” How will Gabriel convince this very honorable man that Mary was a woman of honor, too, even though things didn’t look that way?

Gabriel chose to appeal to Joseph’s godly character. He focused on two areas in speaking to Joseph:

  1. He reminds Joseph of his royal ancestry – “son of David” – appealing to the pride of his legacy. “You are of royal ancestry,” he seems to be saying, “You are part of the people of God.”
  2. He appeals to Joseph based on Scripture. Gabriel reminds him that this is to fulfill Scripture: “The virgin will give birth…”

Joseph knew who he was and was committed to Scripture, something vitally important to the man who would be Jesus’s earthly guardian. We all should follow Joseph's example—know who we are as Christians and know what the Bible says.

Joseph’s response was what you’d expect from such a person—immediate obedience, even to such a difficult mission. He took Mary as his wife. But he took it a step further. He didn’t consummate that marriage until after Jesus was born, so there could be no doubt that he was not the biological father.

Having met the man who would father the prophet who would prepare the way for Christ, then the woman who would give birth to the Son of God, and finally the man who would serve as his earthly father, Gabriel was no doubt in awe of God and His choices, certain His plans to save humanity and bring them back to Him would happen despite the spiritual battles still to come.

And Gabriel had another assignment in this narrative…to lead the chorus of angels declaring the birth of Christ!

Look Up – Connect with God

Read: Matthew 1:18-24

Key Verse: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:20-21)

Pray: Father God, I thank you for the angels who come and give us your message, protect us, teach us, advocate for us, guide us, and fight battles for us. Thank you to Gabriel for convincing Mary and Joseph that the words he shared were from God himself. Thank you for Joseph’s obedience; may I be as quick to obey when God gives me an assignment.

Look In – Family Memories

Discuss: Have you ever encountered an angel, or what you thought was an angel – in a dream, when reading Scripture, in real life? In Hebrews 13:2, God tells us, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing, some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Have you ever experienced that or known someone who did? Ask God to give you a heart for hospitality and help you be aware of what might be happening in the spiritual realm.


  • Advent Tree: make or select an ornament of a home and put it on the tree.
  • Advent Garland: Write the key verse on a paper or card, assign #6, and attach it to the garland twine.
  • Advent Activity: Pick a fun seasonal activity to do with your family (e.g., making popcorn balls).

Look Out – Connect with Others

Is there someone in your neighborhood you could invite over for a holiday treat? Be open to being a host this Christmas season and see what God does in and through you.

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

Seeing Jesus Through the Eyes of the Christmas Story Characters

You know, it’s funny. When we read Bible stories, we tend to view the characters as supernatural beings – heroes at the least and almost perfect people close to deities at the most. Neither is probably true. Oh sure, they accomplished heroic deeds and are worthy of admiration, but the truth is they were humans, just like us, with all our foibles and failures, fears, and worries. Maybe it’s time to see them for who they really are and experience what it might have been like to witness firsthand the true Christmas miracle.


We would like to thank Church Fuel for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: