The Power of Trust in Your Faith JourneySample

Trust and Endurance: Wait On It
We live in a world where there’s an app for everything. Your favorite restaurant probably has an app allowing you to order and pay ahead, walk in, tell them your name, and pick up your food. There’s no standing in line, no waiting, no long-lasting interaction with people. We are given the opportunity not to have to wait or interact with people and may even receive discounts for using the app! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a “God app”? An app that would allow us to dial in our requests and get an instant answer with no wait time at all? There would be no need to fellowship with other people, we’d never have to develop patience, and we certainly wouldn’t need that discipline that pleases God-called faith. Sounds a bit selfish and unrealistic, doesn’t it?
Waiting on God can be uncomfortable, frustrating, and even scary. However, the benefits are amazing and go beyond our human comprehension. When we gather corporately, we are often so consumed with the order of worship, making sure everyone is carrying out their assignment in the moment, watching the time clock, and planning for the next series or program that we don't take the time or dare I say, make time to wait. Here’s why waiting may not be so bad after all. Waiting on God often exposes our heart’s true intentions. When we are forced to wait, we are afforded time to reflect on what and who we are waiting for. We have time to ask ourselves, “Do I really want this?….. Is this something I could do without or maybe get later?” We may even ask ourselves, “Is this something I’m called to do or receive….will I be able to sustain it when I get it?”. Whenever our flesh desires something that our spirit doesn’t agree with, we will always experience tension during a time of waiting. Adversely, when we are waiting, and our spirit agrees, it increases our patience and energy to endure the waiting process. Luke 6:45 says, “….for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh”. Whatever our heart truly desires is what we will confess in our time of waiting.
As waiting exposes our heart’s intentions, it also exposes our character and strengthens our faith. When waiting, we rarely know how long we will have to wait. Sometimes, the wait is short, and sometimes, it’s long or too long for some of us. Waiting produces patience while building our character. Waiting reveals how honest we will be if presented with a way out or a shortcut. Waiting also exposes our fears, apprehensions, and our self-inabilities, which causes us to be totally dependent on God and His power. Be encouraged that in that time of waiting, He is with you and preparing you to experience His greatness and faithfulness.
Lastly, waiting allows God’s power to be put on display and draws men and women to Him, as we see in the story of Lazarus. Lazarus was dead (or just sleeping, as Jesus described). His sister Mary cries to Jesus in frustration. I can imagine Mary saying, “Now Jesus, Laz is supposed to be your best friend! We told your disciples to tell you he was really sick, and you made us wait now for four days! You let him die on us…and NOW you want to show up?!?!…why?!?” Jesus knew that their waiting would result in The Father’s glory being revealed. He said to her, “…if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” He then instructs them to move the stone away and calls Lazarus. May I pause here and suggest to you that the stone represented their doubt that Jesus could do the impossible? What stones are causing you to doubt God while He asks you to wait on Him? We all know how the story ends, Lazarus is raised from the dead, and everyone who saw it believed in Him. Here, Jesus had them wait until it seemed that there was no earthly hope. But in true Jesus fashion, just when we think it’s over, here He comes to blow our minds and gives us yet another reason to witness to others about His power. Let me stir your faith today. Not only is God raising up that thing in your life that you feel is dead but when He does it, not only will you receive the blessing, but others who witness it will be saved, and God will get Glory. You may have to wait like Martha and Mary, but believe that He will raise it up; it will live and be a walking billboard of our God’s power!
There’s a special blessing in enduring the waiting process. Our heart’s intentions are made pure, our relationship with God is strengthened, and we become living examples of God’s power that draws believers and unbelievers to Christ. So the next time you are faced with an uncomfortable, awkward time of waiting on God, change the posture of your mind, embrace that precious time with the Father, and watch him show Himself stronger than ever before……wait, I say on the Lord!
Reflection Questions
- Consider what God may be trying to get me to see as I wait for him.
- How is God being glorified as I wait?
Devotional Written by: Pastor Chris House
About this Plan

Trust, Endurance, Community, and Rest are all hard principles to maintain in a culture that pushes us to be independent and self-sufficient. This devotional will walk you through each of these biblical principles and show you how you can cultivate trust in life, throughout your faith journey.
We would like to thank The Life Church RVA for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: