Being an Ambitious ChristianSample

Ambition That Earns
What is the point of all of this ambition? Is it going to get me a raise at work, fix my marriage, or earn me the respect of others in my field? Maybe, but those are not the goals Paul has in mind. Notice how he wraps up this conversation:
If you live like this, “your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”
Paul saw the big win not as individual advancement, but as Gospel proclamation. He was most concerned that Christians (the “you's" in this verse are plural) earning the opportunity to share the Gospel with their unbelieving neighbors.
Understand that when Paul talks about earning the respect of outsiders, he is referring to people outside of the Christian faith. The goal in earning their respect is not so Christians look cool or become popular, it’s to earn a hearing for the Gospel.
Actually, it may be to earn a viewing for the Gospel.
You know the old saying: “More is caught than taught.” The same is true of non-Christians. They learn more about what it means to be a Christian by what they see in your life than by what they hear from your mouth.
If you are habitually late for work, you are not presenting a Gospel that your employer can embrace.
If you are the neighborhood gossip, all of your Christian-y words won’t undo that.
If your handiwork is shoddy, then so is your Savior in the eyes of non-Christians.
Let’s be clear, Paul’s teaching to strive eagerly to lead a quiet life, to be ambitious about minding your own business, and to be diligent in meaningful work was not a call to NOT share the Gospel with others. It was exactly the opposite. The goal is to earn a right to represent the Gospel to a world that desperately needs it.
At Groundwire we do exactly that. We leverage social media and current technology to share the Gospel with people who may encounter it no other way. We would love for you to join us. You can learn more here:
May you be ambitious about earning the respect of people who are far from Jesus so you can share with them the one who died for them so they can live for Him!
About this Plan

Did you know that the Bible not only praises the ambitious person but that it actually offers counsel about what ambition should look like for the follower of Jesus? Join us as we unpack Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians on the topic of Christian ambition.
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