Be a Blessing, Reach the World for ChristSample

God is the source of blessing!
When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they hid themselves. They were ashamed and afraid. But God sought them out: "Adam, where are you?". And God still does this. Jesus came to the earth, He sought out people to free them from their shame and guilt. We read in 1 Timothy 2:4 that God wants all people to be blessed and come to know Him.
After the story of Adam, we read that God visits Abraham and calls him to leave his country, the place he was used to and felt safe, and go to another land. But also, God promised him that He would bless him and make him a great nation. Why all this trouble? Because God wanted to use Abraham as a means of blessing to others. God blessed Abraham so that he would be a blessing to those around him.
How many people from a different ethnic or cultural background are members of your church? Ten, five, two or none perhaps?
This question is related to the topic of this reading plan: "Be a blessing!"
How did God find you? Did He call you to something that you never imagined doing? However it may be, God certainly wants you to be a blessing to those around you, just as He called Abraham to be.
Many immigrants from Muslim countries feel a strong connection with Abraham or Ibrahim as they call him. The vast majority of them have never seen the inside of a church. Pray for them that they will come in contact with Christians that are able to explain to them the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ.
About this Plan

God wants to use people to be a blessing to others. We see this happening in the Old Testament, in the New Testament and even today. This reading plan discusses the most important Bible verses on this topic in one week. Read along and discover how you can be a blessing!
We would like to thank GlobalRize for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: