Restart: Stepping Out in FaithSample

God had given the people success in restoring the wall of the city. This physical restoration was a great and mighty feat—one that would be talked about for years to come. Now the people were ready and willing for spiritual restoration. They were eager to know God in a more intimate way, eager to hear how he cared for and nurtured their ancestors. When Ezra praised God, the people were moved to respond. And, as Ezra opened the book of the Law, they stood up, and in reverence, bowed low to worship God.
Sometimes people can read or hear the Word of God but not truly understand it (cf. Acts 8.29-31). In the case of the wall builders, it was necessary for the Levites to go among the people to explain God’s Word because the scrolls were recorded in Hebrew and the people spoke Aramaic. Today, sometimes it is necessary for believers to go among those who are hungry for God’s Word and introduce them to God’s teachings so they can gain a knowledge and understanding of who God is.
Translation sources say one-third of all languages today still don’t have a Scripture translation, and only 6 percent have the entire Bible. Why do you think it is important for people to be able to read the Scriptures in their own language?
Would you consider praying that God would use you to go among the unbelievers in your city to explain God’s Word to them? Pray: Lord Jesus, here am I, send me. Let me be one who would open your Word to those who have never heard it. Let me uncover the sweet blessings of God so they will be filled.
About this Plan

See the community around you with new eyes. Take this 40-day journey through the book of Nehemiah to discover God's heart for rebuilding broken lives and hopes.
We would like to thank the American Bible Society for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: