The Mystery RevealedSample

Day 3: Emily Langford, Marketing + Communications Manager at UPPERROOM
Romans 5-6
In the Garden, at the beginning of creation, God made man and called us “very good.” However, through man’s disobedience, the perfect union between us and our Father was broken. For many years, man worked to please God through sacrifices, but it was impossible for the “blood of bulls and goats” to permanently deal with the curse of sin and restore the intimacy He designed us to have with Him.
We needed a mediator, a perfect, living sacrifice. Romans 5:6 says that at just the right time, while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Because of that, we’ve now been justified by the blood of the spotless Lamb and eternally reconciled back to Father.
Sin and death entered the world through just one man’s disobedience, Adam. How much more has Jesus’ act of obedience caused life and righteousness to reign and overflow onto us? We’ve been united with Him in a death like His, therefore; we are also united with Him in a resurrection like His! The old man has been crucified and we are no longer slaves to the sin which once separated us from Him. We are completely and irrevocably DEAD to sin, ALIVE to God, and able to rest in His finished work.
Our Dad looks at us today through the Son. Just as He looked at us in the garden and declared “very good,” He is now again looking at us, saying “very good.” The divine order and communion from the Garden has been restored and now placed inside of us.
We’ve never had the ability to make ourselves right with God because manpower cannot destroy sin, only resurrection power. Would you believe me if I told you that nothing can separate you from His love ever again? That because of the cross and the gift of His spirit, there is provision to never sin again? That there is supernatural empowerment by grace, through faith, to live exactly as Jesus did… totally free from sin and perfectly connected to Abba?
We must plug into the power of the cross and the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead and be free of our own manpower that leads us to self-help. We must exalt the work of Jesus and not the desires or work of the flesh. The gospel actually WORKS FOR US so that we no longer have to work for righteousness and connection.
Prayer: Jesus, I thank you that I died with you and was raised up with you. I have been born again and am a new creation. Help me to live from the provision you’ve made for me to be completely dead to sin and fully alive to You.
About this Plan

The Mystery Revealed is a 27-day study emphasizing the beauty, simplicity, and power of the gospel. Within this plan, you’ll find daily devotionals written by members of the UPPERROOM community to read alongside the Word. Through the reading of these letters-Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Hebrews-we’ll discover together that Jesus is the Mystery revealed.
We would like to thank UPPERROOM for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: