100 Days of HopeSample

Abruptly Break Into Prayer
Most of us try to have a prayer life and feel guilty that we don’t spend enough time praying, especially for the needs of others. This is not the right way to think about prayer. Don’t seek a prayer life—seek a praying life, a life permeated with prayer.
Jesus shows us what a praying life is like. Routinely He got alone to pray, often for hours at a time. But His intimate conversation with the Father didn’t stop when He had work to do. He said, “I only do what I see the Father doing” (John 5:19, par).
In Matthew 11, we have an example of Jesus at work in a prayerful way. He was explaining to those following him why some people rejected Him and His message. It was getting heated. Until ... “Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer.” Then, infused with Abba’s love, “Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly.”
If you limit your prayerfulness to “quiet times” and church activities but don’t include your ordinary life with its problems to solve, work to do, and people to see, you’ll live largely separated from God’s grace.
“Abruptly break into prayer”—even if for just a moment—as often as you can remember, and the Father’s tenderness toward others will flow through you naturally.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for your powerful example of a praying life. Help us Lord God to grow in a conversational relationship with you. Teach us to “abruptly break into prayer” throughout the day’s work and activities.
About this Plan

A devotional collaboration of worldwide staff and friends of HOPE International, you will explore the Scriptures and the hope that comes through relationship with God through Christ for the next 100 days.