Self-acceptance: a primordial spiritual key, often forgotten.
The whole Bible is summed up in these two commandments from Matthew! If I understand them correctly and put them into practice, I cannot go astray in my faith and my Christian life because they contain all the wisdom of the Scriptures!
"Loving God with all our heart..." is not always easy, but we try to do it as best we can daily.
We know how to "love our neighbor" by helping those in need and announcing the good news to those who have not heard it yet.
And then we stop there! We forget what embarrasses us most in what Jesus said: love them "as ourselves“!
Too often, we tell God, "I love You," but we do not show that we accept His love for us when we reject who we are because of complexes, attitudes, or words.
If we hate ourselves or do not like who we are, then when God tells us He loves us, we do not believe it! We think: "It's true for others, but not for me".
Accepting ourselves is not modern psychology but the basis of the Gospel! It is a question of balance. God wants us to be reconciled with the Father, which means accepting His unconditional love for us!
Yes, God loves you just as you are, with all your faults, strengths, and weaknesses. He also loves you when you hate yourself. He suffers when you reject yourself and think that He has "favorite" sons and daughters, that His blessings are reserved for some ... but not for you!
In Jesus, you have been adopted completely, loved just as you are, and redeemed. The more you discover who you really are in Him, the more you become like Him.
I am not worthy of so much grace and blessing, but as King David said, I can bless God that "I'm a wonderful creature."
God delights in blessing His children, like a Father who wants to give the very best!
Today, decide to stop violating the two most important commandments in all of the Scriptures: Love yourself!
About this Plan

They married, lived happily ever after, and had many children—that is how all fairy tales end. But reality can be very different because we have never been given a couple’s instruction manual! Moreover, we often have preconceived ideas about marriage and married life. Get off to the right start before you get married with these helpful truths!
We would like to thank Eric Rachel Dufour for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.ericandracheldufour.com/home