Elements of WorshipSample

Fellow worshipper, worship at its essence is our rightful response to God’s revelation of Himself—His character and ways. In worship we often long to give some part of ourselves in response, both directly to God and to others in His name.
The responsibilities and motivation of worship are like a love song in two movements. God’s part is to reveal Himself in love. As Word, He does this profusely (John 1:1). Our part is reciprocal love.
Responding to God’s revelation is the reason we were born. The Westminster Shorter Catechism (1648) opens by asking the most profound of questions: "What is the chief end of man?” In modern language: Why do we exist, or what is our purpose? The theologians of that era answered that question so compendiously, so profoundly, that it still speaks right up to the moment we sit here together. “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”
Friends, that is the pursuit of this plan. May these next days bring us into deeper expressions of worship for our Father’s pleasure—and ours.
An Invitation
Think back over God’s blessings to you over the last week. Ask Holy Spirit if there was a moment when He revealed Himself but you either did not notice or did not intentionally, affectionately respond. Worship Jesus with this particular kindness in mind. Know He is enjoying you as you enjoy Him.
About this Plan

Jesus desires and deserves our worship. What a joy to minister to Him for who He is and what He has done. This plan helps us broaden and deepen authentic worship.
We would like to thank Susan Ekhoff for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://missioninjoy.me
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