Shaped by Grace Part 2 - Lose the Lies & Gain God's TruthSample

A Cluttered Mind
Lose the lie: “I’ll start Monday.”
Over the years, my physical closet reminded me of a past full of failures. After attempts at getting fit or trim and half-motivated tries at various weight loss programs, I found myself heavier physically and emptier emotionally. My cluttered mind was full of many lies.
I kept telling myself I wasn’t ready to change and would procrastinate every earnest start. I failed to see the task as urgent. Then one day, God prompted me to start a new diet on a Friday. You might think, “How ridiculous!” I hesitantly complied.
When Monday rolled around, I had three successful days behind me. It changed my whole perspective to new starts! God taught me how to get past a weekend with newfound freedom. He showed me that Monday was always coming and how Friday could be a jumpstart to my motivation.
Do you know that dreaded “blue” feeling that hits you on Monday? Are you already lacking in motivation by Wednesday?
God wants to clean out the mental clutter of losing vs. gaining. He desires to rid us of all deception. I was lost in my own compulsive habits, but my willingness made room for motivation. Allowing the Holy Spirit’s intervention to declutter my unhealthy diet habits set me free from the grip they had on me.
Your immediate step is right before you. God will help you out of bondage and set your mind back on track to obey Him. Asking for God’s help allows Him to show you where thorough cleaning is needed. Then set about doing the daily work WITH Him. God cares about your inside image as well as your outside image. Start now and just as you are! Your decluttering will never get past square one based on lies. You must apply truth from God’s Word to bring about clean and lasting results.
Gain God’s Truth: We procrastinate change; change is hard for everyone. By grace, God delivers you from every chain of bondage. He is the best at what He does, so trust Him as your personal Assistant. He is a specialist in matters of the heart! As I continually obey Him in the area of health and wellness, I experience more freedom than ever before. And now, I keep in mind that Monday is coming so I keep it real on the weekends, too!
About this Plan

There are times when we are caught up in lies and deception. Those lies can accumulate in our minds and influence our actions. This plan offers solid help to recognize those lies and addictive habits and rid your mind of them for good! We are shaped by God's grace and must believe the truth of what His Word says about who we are. This is part two Shaped By Grace.
We would like to thank Becoming Grace for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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