Studies on Prayer: Vol. 2Sample

David had already been appointed to become the king of Israel but instead, found himself hunted like an animal by King Saul and others. He probably spent about ten years running, fighting, and trying to survive. David would have grown weary and desperate at times. It was probably during that difficult period of his life that he wrote Psalm 140. The psalm is David’s prayer to God for protection against the evils around him. The psalm is not directed at one specific evil, but rather all evil, much like Jesus taught His disciples to pray in the model prayer. Evil is a very real part of life for every generation. No one is immune from injustice and hostility. The words of Psalm 140 teach us how to pray for God to “deliver us from evil.”
1. What does David understand about praying for protection from evil? (verse 1) Why is this essential knowledge for our own prayer lives?
2. We are often taught to pray specifically, but David does not list names in his prayer. Why is that an appropriate lesson for us today?
3. How does David pray specifically for God’s protection (verse 8)? Look again at your answer to question 2. How do we pray specifically for protection?
4. Think about the people or places that need God’s protection right now. How has King David taught you to pray for them? Take a moment to use what you have learned, and say a prayer for whatever or whoever the Lord has placed on your heart.
“A God wise enough to create me and the world is wise enough to watch out for me.” —Philip Yancey
About this Plan

What makes prayer powerful, and what significance does powerful prayer have on our lives and our ministries? Powerful prayer aligns our hearts, minds, and lives with the Will of God and enables the Holy Spirit to continue Jesus’ Earthly Ministry through His disciples. Join us in this Study and learn what it means to pray with Power!
We would like to thank Foundations with Janet Denison for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: