I Am REDEEMED: Finances
Sometimes, we make mistakes with our finances. We co-sign a loan for someone irresponsible. We spend more than we make. We put our vacations, fast food, and impulse purchases on our credit cards so we can party now and pay later.
But the bills always come due.
One day, we wake up and realize that we have accumulated quite a mountain of debt! What are we going to do?
The Bible has lots of wisdom regarding money, possessions, and wealth. Jesus spoke about these subjects more than prayer and faith combined. It's like he knew how much we would struggle with this subject.
Good news: Jesus can redeem your finances as well.
No matter what kind of situation you may be stuck in, nothing is impossible for him! He has the wisdom you need to dig out of that money pit.
So, what do we do?
First, recognize that if you are in a pickle regarding your finances, perhaps you need to surrender that area of your life to the Lord. Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread, so begin to take that seriously. God is our Source, our Provider, our Jehovah Jireh—do you truly believe it?
Second, get wisdom! Proverbs 4:7 says The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have get understanding. If you're struggling with money or debt or living paycheck to paycheck, get help from people who know more than you do. Please don't take advice from broke people--find someone handling their money well and ask how they do it. Take a class at your church. Check out books about money from the library.
Where you are isn't where you have to stay.
Finally, speak life over your finances. Complaining how broke you are or that you can't pay your bills won't change anything. That mindset will keep you in the red. Speak God's promises of life and life abundant over your finances. There are so many promises of blessing in his word--take your pick! And then be patient.
You didn't get here overnight; digging out of this hole may take some time. But if you recognize that we are not owners but merely stewards of God's blessings, your financial trajectory can change.
Prayer for finances: Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, forgive me when I have forgotten that you alone are the source of everything I need. Show me how to steward all the blessings you have given me with excellence. Please give me the wisdom to get out of debt and become a generous giver. I am grateful you have redeemed every part of my life, including my finances. Let me walk out your plan, not mine. In Jesus' name, amen.
About this Plan

If you are struggling with regrets, poor decisions, or need a do-over in your life, this plan is for you! Jesus wants to redeem every part of your life, from finances to relationships. Let the next five days fill you with hope and encouragement because you are REDEEMED!
We would like to thank Meredith Shafer for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.meredithshafer.com/