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"A Long Love Letter" Reading and Prayer GuideSample

"A Long Love Letter" Reading and Prayer Guide

DAY 47 OF 50

Covenant - Preparing the Bride

Beloved Bride—I have chosen you from among the many because of My great and abiding love for you. Long ago I chose you, even from the foundation of the earth, to be My wedded wife—My heart’s desire. I rejoice that your answer has always been, with all your heart and soul, your very being, you have replied, “Yes, I will! With all of the love that is in me or ever possible for me, I will! I will follow after You with all of my heart. I will serve you with deepest devotion. I will take Your name and become a totally new creation in the eyes of the world. I will joyfully come to live with You in Your house forever!”

I have seen your heart from the very beginning and My heart has melted with your simple childlike faith and trust and with your beautiful attentive ears longing to hear from your Beloved. You are ever listening for My whispers of love and looking for My tender, loving care and concern. You have chosen silence over all the sounds of earth, so that your ears will not miss a single word from your Beloved. Thank you, for listening and being attuned to My voice.

My Own, you have beautiful hands and feet. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, delivering hope and blessing and new life in the earth. You will dance for pure joy on the path I have chosen for you. Thank you, for being My hands and My feet in the earth. Your lovely hands of service have always been open and generous in giving out what you have received. In lifting up the fallen, those, who have stumbled along the way, you have been My hands reaching out, in love, in the earth.

Beloved, I see your beautiful spiritual eyes and My heart is glad. Thank you, for looking longer and deeper and higher and wider with eyes of love. Thank you, for searching beyond what you see with your physical eyes to find My purpose and plan. Thank you, for your lovely eyes of faith.

Dear Heart, you have a beautiful heart. The world looks on the outward appearance but I look on the heart and My heart rejoices at your heart. I have seen your heart filled to the brim and spilling over with love and compassion for those around you. I see a heart broken for others. I see a heart that longs to reach out and help and lift up and share the Good News. I have heard your heart’s cry— “Lord, they need Bibles! Help me, Lord, to put a Bible in their hand. It will help them, Lord. It will give them life and hope and joy. Please, Lord, let’s feed the starving souls with the Bread of Life, Your holy Word, the Bible.”

I have seen the tears of your heart for the lost and dying and your longing to share the Gospel, the great Good News. You are so, thoroughly, convinced that it will bring life to the dead and dying. You have touched My heart with your beautiful heart.

Is it any wonder that I have chosen you to carry My Word and My love letter and to personally deliver them to My beloved Bride? I will go with you. Together we will take new life and fresh hope and our hearts filled to the brim and spilling over with love for the wounded and the hurt. We will save them from their plight—with our love.

Beloved, truly, you will be carrying and dispersing in the earth a double portion of love. My Word is a pouring forth of all of the love in My heart. Their hearts will be touched and their broken hearts will be mended by all of the love in My heart.

As you scatter fertile seeds of love and faith and hope and joy, I will see that the precious seeds fall on fertile ground and reap a mighty harvest. I have prepared the soil to receive the life-filled, life-giving seed. I will care for each tiny seed that will grow and mature and ripen and produce more seeds.

You have been faithful with a little. You are prepared and you are now ready to be sent into the Kingdom bearing precious life-giving seeds. I will go with you and convince them of My unconditional, undying, ever-lasting, eternal, unending love.


  1. How does God equip the inner being of His Bride - you? (Read from the verses).
  2. Identify God’s equipping work from each verse. List them down in your journal.
  3. God is equipping you to do the work of (L _ _ _ ). Select one or two areas in which you need God to help you and equip you.
  4. Pray and ask God to enable you and prepare you to be ready as His covenanted Bride.
Day 46Day 48

About this Plan

"A Long Love Letter" Reading and Prayer Guide

Take a 50-day journey with God through this devotion, adapted from "A Long Love Letter" by Madam Margaret Ruth Baker. This plan is presented like a personal love letter to the reader, written from the perspective of God...


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