The Power in Silence and SolitudeSample

James 4:14 says, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” Life is fleeting. We have “a little while.” Our life is not a dress rehearsal. We don’t get a “do-over” once Tuesday is gone! So how do we live each day knowing these truths, especially amidst the craziness and chaos of this world?
One of our great battlefields is the balance or imbalance of our external world with our private internal world. Our swirling thoughts compete with the lure of living at peace and with hope. We battle with vain imaginations, seemingly at war with the peaceful inner call of our purpose.
The definition of a Rat Race is “an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit.” This phrase equates humans to rats attempting to earn a reward, such as cheese…and usually in VAIN. The term is commonly associated with an exhausting, repetitive lifestyle that leaves NO TIME for relaxation, enjoyment, or purposeful living.
As a young mom, I often heard, ” The days are long, but the years are short.” What in the heck does that even mean? As I study the lives of my very young grandchildren now, I can see that the days can be very long.
Yet the years fly by because we’re such a busy society. We are always in motion. Most of us live a life where busyness is king, and productivity feels lucrative. Our schedules are filled to the brim with busyness from sun up until sundown. We run on an exhausting performance treadmill. There has GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY TO LIVE!
So, how do we get out of the rat race? Can we slow down our hearts and not just our pace? Can silence or solitude invite us into a place of peace?
Whether I was in my season working as a Petroleum Engineer, building an international marketing business, or even as a homeschool mom of 4 young children, I hungered for more fulfillment and influence...a deeper purpose and peace in life. Then I discovered and became deeply drawn to a gift…SILENCE AND SOLITUDE!!!!
Years ago, I cataloged all the noises, voices, and choices screaming in my head each day. I challenged myself to intentionally “leave the noises in my head” and sit in reflection and quiet. I yearned to hear the voice of the ONE...the ONE that was my Knitter and my Knower …that created me fearfully and wonderfully (Eph 2:10). He is the One that called me a beautiful masterpiece and assigned me good works ahead of time so that I could walk in them.
Since our lives are fleeting, we often miss the value of getting completely alone in silence and solitude. We just keep running and trying harder. We are all leaders. However, we cannot lead from chaos and confusion. We cannot lead from a place where we feel overwhelmed. Entering a place of solitude and silence can clarify our passions and our purpose. Scripture tells us to “Be still and know that I am God.”(Psalm 46:10). This is where restoration happens…in the deep knowing. This is where we can hear the whispers and guidance from our Creator… the voice of the ONE.
Your days are fleeting. Do you need to slow down and find rest? Do you hunger to live from a restful, deep intimacy, trusting your Creator and Savior? Consider finding more “silence and solitude.”
About this Plan

In a world filled with chaos and confusion, how do we find our solid ground? Many voices and noises are entering our minds. Jesus often went away to hear the voice of His Father, the ONE voice that matters. His example calls us to consider “silence and solitude” as a place to reconsider, reprioritize, and rejuvenate. From this place, we can learn to walk with peace of mind.
We would like to thank Roxanne Parks for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: