Diversity: Flourishing As One BodySample

Conversation, compassion, comprehension
Everyone was surprised that Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman: his disciples, the onlookers, and even the woman herself. And in case we don’t understand just how surprising this conversation was, John points it out for us in verse 9. The Jews and the Samaritans hated each other, viewing themselves as ethnically and religiously different despite their common heritage. In fact, some Jews went out of their way to avoid passing through Samaria on their way between Judea and Galilee, even though it was the shortest route.
But Jesus, as always, defies the expectations of others. He enters the territory of his supposed enemy and begins a conversation, leading with a simple question: “Will you give me a drink?” (verse 7). The same Jesus who later feeds over 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish asks a Samaritan woman for water. In doing so, He opens a dialogue with the woman that covers their similarities (their common ancestor, Jacob, verse 12), their differences (in places of worship, verses 20-22), even her personal life (verses 16-18).
In the end, the Samaritan woman is willing to believe that Jesus may indeed be the Messiah, even calling others from her town to come meet this man. Even more incredible, the Samaritans invite Jesus to stay—and he does! He accepts their hospitality, breaking bread with them and staying amongst them for two days. As a result, many come to believe.
Often, we approach the topic of diversity eager to learn but uncertain of where to begin. Jesus’ example in this story provides a good starting point. Seek out those who are different. Be willing to venture outside of normal habits. Start with simple conversation. Love others and treat them with respect. Ask questions, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Listen—really. Break bread together.
From these seemingly simple beginnings can grow abundant fruit: deeper understanding, greater respect, and rich friendships.
Reflection: What concrete steps can I take to follow Jesus’ example of seeking out those who are different in my own life? Are there times when I’ve avoided doing so because I felt uncomfortable?
About this Plan

In today’s world, the topic of diversity is messy, difficult, and often divisive. In this five-day study, we explore what the Bible says about the subject, from celebrating our diversity of talents to the grand vision of every tribe, tongue, and nation joining together to worship God. Written by the staff of HOPE International, a Christ-centered nonprofit, this study draws on their experience working across multiple countries and cultures.
We would like to thank Hope International for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.hopeinternational.org/youversion