Cru 17: Ideas For Making Your Life CountSample
Looking at People in the Eyes
“One of the most significant ways that we can engender a culture of compassion and empathy in our lives is to look at people in the eyes,” says Pastor Eugene Cho. Jesus performed many miracles and spent a lot of time teaching. It is easy to imagine Jesus as busy and hurried. But as Eugene observes, “Jesus always stopped and looked at people in the eyes." Jesus paused His journey through Samaria to look the woman at the well in the eyes and have a meaningful conversation with her. He also insisted on directly acknowledging the woman who was healed by touching the fringe of His garment. Eugene learned the significance of looking at people in the eyes during several memorable days in college.
Listen to Eugene |
How does looking at someone in the eyes build up compassion in our hearts? When we truly see people, we begin to see the dignity with which each person was created by God. Eugene says that when we look at someone in the eyes, what we are communicating is this: “I see you. I believe that you are created in the image of God, fearfully wonderfully made. I believe there is purpose and destiny in your life. And God is not yet done.”
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About this Plan
Cru is a movement dedicated to helping everyone know someone who truly follows Jesus. In July 2017, over 5,000 Cru staff gathered for a week of inspirational growth - leaving in awe of Jesus and the gospel. Each of these five devotionals from Cru17 contains a short audio segment from a main speaker ( 1-2 minutes ). Our prayer is that these highlights help you trust God to make your life count.
We would like to thank Steve Douglass, the Making Your Life Count (MYLC) team and the ministry of Cru for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: