Ministry & Leadership: Reflections on the Book of JonahSample

Jonah’s Temporary Repentance
We come to the surreal part of the story. Jonah has convinced the pagan sailors that it’s his God controlling the weather and the only way to appease this God is to toss Jonah into the raging ocean. What exactly did Jonah think would happen at this point? He has already disobeyed God’s call, thereby allowing the city of Nineveh to continue in its vile wickedness. It seems in a way that this is goodbye for Jonah. He seems to desire to be thrown off the ship with the same attitude of melodrama that we see later when he is so angry that he wishes he were dead.
Jonah and the whale
I am persuaded by David Pawson (author of Unlocking the Bible) that Jonah really did die in the ocean. It only takes a person a minute and a half to drown and Jonah’s head was wrapped with seaweed, a plant found at the ocean floor. Jonah clearly arrived at the ocean floor by sinking down and staying long enough for his head to become entwined with the seaweed – events that would certainly have surpassed the required minute and a half mark. He says in his prayer that he was knocking on the doors of the underworld. In response to Jonah’s death wish, God allowed him to experience death temporarily. Jonah, in turn, when he is resurrected, praises God for His mercy and has a fresh revelation of God’s grace. This empowers him to recommit to God’s mission and preach to Nineveh.
Resurrection and refreshing
This is a miracle-working God that we serve. It’s shocking that Jesus compared himself to Jonah considering Jonah’s limited humility but they both shared the testimony of impossible resurrections. God’s grace towards Jonah is astounding. Jonah has realised clearly, emphatically and tangibly that ‘salvation is of the Lord’.
Your ministry
Jonah’s faith has been refreshed and he is absolutely ready to follow God’s mission. There is no shame in needing refreshing. Sometimes refreshing does not look like quitting. We can often take the view that the grass is greener at the church on the other side of the road. It’s easy to think that perhaps a change of scenery will bring us the upliftment that we need. Jonah’s refreshing led him back to the beginning. God’s grace to him was not giving him a new mission but giving him grace to complete the tasks he was initially called to.
Heart Check
Are you in need of a refreshing miracle? A tangible experience to cast new light on God’s ever-present mercy and grace? Don’t wait until a moment of dark despair. Cry out now to God.
About this Plan

Jonah, an Old Testament prophet, receives a call from God to preach to a pagan city. There’s just one small problem: he doesn’t want to. How will the city be saved while Jonah’s heart towards them is hardened? Learn about the parallel between Jonah’s story and our own calling, ministries and leadership. If you feel God is perhaps wanting to refine your heart in these areas, click ‘Start Plan’ now.
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