Growing With the Help of the Great GardenerSample

Under Attack
The cucumber seeds were growing at a noticeable rate, and soon there came small leaves and the vine grew steadily longer. I was dedicated to watering them and checking their progress both morning and evening.
Then one morning, I came out to discover that it wasn’t just me who was excited about them…the slaters had noticed the new greenery and had come and eaten a lot of what was there! I was astounded at the speed of them noticing and then taking advantage of my poor cucumbers.
I decided I would use some special powder around the plants as a deterrent. I happily discovered that it worked, and the slaters left the cucumbers alone from then on.
When I am minding my own business, tra-la-ing along in life, sometimes there can come things so out of the blue that greatly affect my situation. Satan likes to put all kinds of events, people, and things in our lives that eat away at what we have. Sometimes we can deal with it ourselves, but sometimes it feels like we are being attacked from all sides.
And then we remember that we have a Gardener to turn to who is so ready to help fight against whatever is attacking us.
Dear Father,
Thank you for coming with me through life’s journey.
Please help me when I am being attacked and things just feel like they are falling apart. Help me to remember to call on you for help.
Thank you for always being ready to step in and tend to my needs.
About this Plan

Going through this world isn't always sunshine and roses, but there is a lot we can learn from nature. As plants need certain things in their environment to grow to their full potential, we too require certain things to help us thrive. Luckily, we have a Great Gardener to help us through! I hope you are encouraged by joining this plan, and that though we experience trials, we can overcome!
We would like to thank Emily Keye for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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