God and GamingSample

Last Time: We talked about how our hopeless desire to be our own God and be in control (called “sin”) has twisted everything, including video games. Today, we’ll see how God uses video games to point us toward ultimate hope! The following is what is referred to as “the gospel.”
The Great Designer lovingly crafted our whole world into existence, and lovingly made us by hand (Ps 139:13-16). An ideal homeland was designed for us, a massive sandbox full of wonder to be safe and free to play in fellowship with our loving Father (Ecc 2:24; Ps 104:14-15).
The Cataclysm - An ancient enemy of the Designer, full of bitterness and jealousy, tricked us into thinking the Designer wasn’t trustworthy (Gen 3:1-5).
The whole world fell apart when we rebelled against our Designer. Desiring to be in charge ourselves, we brought pain and death into the world and gave our minds up to confusion and self-deceit (Gen 3:6-24; Rom 1:21; Rom 8:20-22).
The Pursuit - In love with His wayward creations, the Designer sent agents (called prophets) to point them back toward light and freedom, but most of them were ignored, rejected, or even killed by the misguided people they came to help (Matt 23:34, 37).
Our Designer, a wise and benevolent King, was unwilling to give up on us, despite our hateful treason. He sent his own Son, Jesus the prophesied Hero of all time. He turned the whole world upside-down, throwing off everyone’s expectations and shattering the power of the Villain by exchanging his innocent blood for our corrupted blood (2 Peter 3:9; Phil 2:7-8; Heb 4:15; Rev 20:10; 2 Cor 5:21; John 1:12)!
The Invitation - Not even death could keep the Hero from those He loves and came to save. He rose to life and broke the power of death, but He also gave us a choice. He would not be an oppressive prince, like the Villain. Instead, He allows each of the created people to decide for themselves whether to accept His gift of a restored relationship with Him and with our Designer. If we don’t, we will remain apart from Him and His light forever (2 Cor 5:20; Mark 16:16).
The Mission - Those who accept the Hero’s invitation are broken free from the prison of corruption and offered membership into the special Order of Adventurers. We still make mistakes and even rebel, but the Designer loves us, and even gives us a title and a quest to help rescue others by letting them know about the Hero’s key to freedom. In this broken world, we show the Hero’s love to those who may reject us. A day will come, however, when the Villain and all evil are forever banished and our sore and weak bodies will be renewed as perfect/invincible ones (Gal 4:4-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Rev 20:7-10; Rev 21:1-7; 1 Cor 15:51-58).
Prayer: “Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the Hero, sent by the Father to rescue me from punishment by dying and rising again! I choose to turn away from my rebellion and receive you as Lord of my life!”
Application Questions:
- Have you made the personal decision to receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord? If so, welcome to the family! Would you please tell us, and a safe church friend, so we can answer further questions and walk together with you in this new life?
- If not, will you talk to us, and to a trusted friend, about what’s holding you back?
- What video games or stories reflect parts of the gospel, what JRR Tolkien called the “true myth?”
Next: We’ll look at how God’s salvation can affect our gaming.
About this Plan

Do you enjoy video games or know someone who does? This four-day plan is for you. It helps connect playing games with a closer walk with God. This connection makes a simple, meaningful way to discover God's love and salvation. Each day of the plan draws you into a journey of game-like steps. It helps give Biblical insight all while enjoying the popular hobby of video gaming.
We would like to thank Cru for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://linktr.ee/crugaming