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Reflections From God's Story of HopeSample

Reflections From God's Story of Hope

DAY 39 OF 100

Saul, Israel's First King

In spite of the fact that God was their King and Samuel was one of Israel's best leaders, the Israelites asked for a king, and in response, God gave them Saul.

Samuel grew up serving the LORD and became Israel’s best leader, presiding over disputes among the people for many years. Samuel communicated God’s revelation to the people. Although not a military leader, Samuel was instrumental in the Israelites’ deliverance from the Philistines.

One day, the leaders came to him and said, “Samuel, we want a king to lead us like the other nations have.” Samuel was crushed! He went to the LORD for guidance.

“Samuel,” God replied, “give them what they ask. They are not rejecting you, but Me as their king. Ever since I rescued them from Egypt, they have turned from Me to idols. Go ahead, give them a king, but warn them first about how a king will treat them.”

God sent Saul, a good-looking Benjamite who stood head and shoulders above the others, to Samuel to be appointed as king. Samuel anointed him with oil and said, “You are the one God has chosen to lead and rule His people.” That very day, the Spirit of God came on him powerfully, transforming his heart.

Saul started out well, humbly serving God as king of His people for more than two years. But he was impatient and acted foolishly, assuming the role of a priest. So God, through Samuel, told him he would not continue as king, nor would his descendants sit on the throne. Then, one day, he outright disobeyed God, sparing the best of the spoils from a battle with one of Israel’s enemies. Making matters worse, he lied about it, saying he had spared the animals to sacrifice them to the LORD.

Samuel brought God’s response: “Does the LORD really want sacrifices and burnt offerings? No. He would rather you obey Him. Disobedience and rebellion are as bad in God’s eyes as worshipping idols or practicing witchcraft. Since you rejected God’s word, He has rejected you as king.”

Distraught, Saul admitted, “I was wrong. Please forgive me so things can be different.”

“You disobeyed; it’s decided.”

As Samuel turned to leave, Saul caught the edge of Samuel’s robe, and it tore! Samuel turned and declared, “The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and will give it to someone better.”

The LORD sent Samuel to Bethlehem, the house of Ruth’s grandson, Jesse, to anoint a new king. He met the firstborn—good-looking and tall like Saul. Samuel thought, “This must be the one!”

But God said, “Don’t think he is the one just because he’s tall and handsome. I have not chosen him. People judge others by what they look like, but I judge them by what is in their hearts.”

Samuel met all of Jesse’s sons that day, but it wasn’t until they brought the youngest from tending the sheep (His father hadn’t even brought him inside!) that he met Israel’s future king. David was brought in, and God told Samuel, “Get up and anoint him. He’s the one.”

Samuel anointed David in front of all his brothers. The Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. David served King Saul in the palace and served in the army and was so successful people sang his praises! Angered and suspicious, Saul kept a jealous eye on David from then on.

Day 38Day 40

About this Plan

Reflections From God's Story of Hope

Listen to professional recordings of all 100 narratives from the book, Reflections from God's Story of Hope—an audio journey (6½ hours total) through the Bible's Big Story of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation. The audio narratives interweave music, sound effects, and dramatic voices from 20 professional voice actors.


We would like to thank ABWE, Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: