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Reflections From God's Story of HopeSample

Reflections From God's Story of Hope

DAY 3 OF 100

Creation of the Universe

God also created the universe, including our earth and its heavens, as well as its living organisms—plants and animals of all kinds.

Now with an audience to see and hear the unfolding symphony of creation, God turned the page of the music and lifted His baton. He had laid the foundations of the earth and marked out the horizon. Silence now reigned, anticipation. As a hush came over the angels, God spoke.

“Light!” And light appeared. God made the light to be beneficial, and He separated the light from the darkness. He gave a name to the light: Day. And He gave a name to the darkness: Night. And there it was: the first evening and the first morning—Day One of creation.

Then, “Space!” God spoke again. “Space, appear between the waters below and the waters above.” In that way, God separated the waters on earth from waters above the earth, and He gave a name to the space: Sky. And there it was: the second evening and the second morning—Day Two of creation.

God spoke again. “Waters, come together. Dry land, appear.” And it happened! God gave a name to the land: Earth, and a name to the waters: Oceans, and He saw to it that they were beneficial. Then God said, “Grow out of the ground, plants! All you seed-bearing plants, and all you fruit-bearing trees with seeds, grow!” And up from the ground, all kinds of beautiful plants with green leaves and all sorts of colorful flowers began to break through the ground. And growing right past the plants up into the sky grew trees with fruit—so many different shapes and colors! God made all the plants to be beneficial. That was the third evening and the third morning—Day Three of creation.

Then God said, “Lights, appear! Shine in the sky above and separate Night from Day. Mark seasons and days and years and give light to Earth.” And it happened just as He said. God made two principal lights—the greater to shine throughout the day and the lesser to shine throughout the night with all the twinkling stars—millions and billions of bright stars. He placed these lights in the heavenly sky to shine on Earth and to separate the light from the dark. God knew that the lights were beneficial, and the fourth evening and morning came to a close—Day Four of creation.

Then God said, “Ocean, be filled with fish and all kinds of sea creatures. Birds, fly through Sky over Earth.” That’s how God created sea creatures—large and small and all kinds of birds. From huge whales to tiny plankton, they appeared and began swimming through the water; some jumped and splashed as they landed. Large birds and small of all different colors appeared and began flying through the sky. God knew they were all beneficial, and He blessed them, saying, “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Ocean, sea creatures! Birds, reproduce on Earth.” Evening passed and morning—Day Five of creation.

Again God spoke: “Earth, generate life—all kinds—cattle and reptiles and wild animals!” And just like the other times, it happened. Huge animals and tiny creatures appeared and began moving about on the earth. Their shapes were oh so different one from the other. And oh, the sounds they created! Roaring and neighing and braying and barking and meowing and elephants blowing their horns! What a symphony of praise to almighty God!

God created every kind of wild animal and reptile and bug—large and minute, and He saw that it was all beneficial.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Reflections From God's Story of Hope

Listen to professional recordings of all 100 narratives from the book, Reflections from God's Story of Hope—an audio journey (6½ hours total) through the Bible's Big Story of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation. The audio narratives interweave music, sound effects, and dramatic voices from 20 professional voice actors.


We would like to thank ABWE, Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: