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Reflections From God's Story of HopeSample

Reflections From God's Story of Hope

DAY 21 OF 100

Isaac's Son Jacob

Isaac's son Jacob was a deceitful man whose life God changed and who became the recipient of the promises God had given to Abraham and Isaac.

Isaac grew up and married a beautiful woman named Rebekah. But Rebekah couldn’t have children. So Isaac prayed to God for his wife, and she became pregnant! And that’s not all; God spoke to Rebekah.

“Two nations are inside your womb,
Two peoples will come out of you.
Yes, one people will be stronger,
The older will serve the younger.”

Rebekah’s first son was born with a full head of hair, so they named him Esau (hairy). When his twin brother was born, his hand grabbed onto Esau’s heel, so he was named Jacob (trickster). This was a foretaste of trouble between these brothers.

One day Jacob tricked Esau out of his inheritance. With the help of his mother, Jacob then deceived his father into giving him Esau’s special blessing which would make him the head of the family when Isaac died. Esau was not happy at all with that and planned to kill Jacob as soon as his father died. Once again mother and son planned a trick that would keep Jacob safe. Rebekah told Isaac that she didn’t want Jacob to marry a woman from Canaan; instead he should go back to her homeland to find a wife.

It worked. Isaac called for Jacob. When he came in, Isaac said, “Jacob, I don’t want you to marry a Canaanite woman. Go back to Paddan Aram where your mother used to live and find a wife there. May God bless you with many children and possessions and may He give your descendants the land He promised to Abraham.”

So Jacob started on a 500-mile journey that would take him to his mother’s homeland. When it got dark, he stopped for the night, lay down, and fell fast asleep. In a dream he saw a huge stairway from earth to heaven with angels going up and down on it. God was standing at the top and spoke to him.

“I am YHWH, the God of your grandfather, Abraham, and your father, Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants will be like dust—too many to count and scattered all over the earth. All of the peoples of the earth will be blessed through a descendant of yours.”

When Jacob woke up, he realized the importance of his encounter with God. He called that place Bethel (House of God).

He went on his way and reached the home of his mother’s family. He found a wife and became very wealthy. But his father-in-law’s deceptive ways brought him trouble. Finally, he left that area and headed back to Canaan, fearing for his life.

On his way home he had another divine encounter; he wrestled with an angel from God all through the night. He wouldn’t give in even though the angel wounded his hip badly. He continued to hang on, asking for a blessing. The angel asked him his name, to which he replied, “Jacob” (trickster or deceiver).

Then the angel said, “Not anymore. From now on your name is Israel (wrestles with God or God wrestles) because you have wrestled with God and men and come through.” How exciting to be blessed with a new name!

Day 20Day 22

About this Plan

Reflections From God's Story of Hope

Listen to professional recordings of all 100 narratives from the book, Reflections from God's Story of Hope—an audio journey (6½ hours total) through the Bible's Big Story of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation. The audio narratives interweave music, sound effects, and dramatic voices from 20 professional voice actors.


We would like to thank ABWE, Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: