Revival GenerationSample

Most often when we hear the word worship, we think of music. We probably envision people lifting their hands while singing along with a worship band. Obviously, worshiping God through music is a form of worship. However, worship is more than a song.
WORSHIP is placing your highest adoration and affection on someone or something. Basically, whatever or whomever is most important in your life is what or who you’re worshiping.
According to the Bible, anything or anyone that we worship that is not God is actually considered an idol. When we think of idols, we may picture the literal idols described by Jeremiah—little statues created by human hands adorned with jewelry. However, idols can take on many shapes and expressions. Even today, we still tend to worship created things; they have just been modernized—cell phones, sports, social media, video games, ourselves, a boyfriend or girlfriend, our popularity, our looks, and the list goes on and on.
We have to realize that worship is natural to us. God created each of us to be worshipers. We all long to offer our highest affections to something or someone. The question is always, “Who or what are you worshiping?” If it’s not Jesus, your heart will always seek to worship other things.
Personal revival is experienced when you’re willing to clear the stage of your heart to make space for the only One who deserves worship. May Jesus be the One who is center stage in your heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.
About this Plan

Our world is divided in almost every way imaginable—religion, politics, race, views on sexuality, and much more. It might not seem like the time is right for a movement of God. On the contrary, now is the perfect time for revival. Not the emotional, momentary type that comes and goes, but a revival that changes hearts. Can He do it again? Yes, He can!
We would like to thank Lifeway Students for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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