Make a DifferenceSample

The Triumph of Faith
- Pastor Dale Oquist
“Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that He rewards those who truly want to find Him.” – Hebrews 11:6 (NCV)
Leprosy is an awful disease; it is a chronic infectious bacterium that can cause paralysis, crippled hands and feet, and shortened toes and fingers, while non-healing ulcers develop on the bottoms of the feet. It could spread to another person through prolonged interaction, so lepers were sent outside the city, covered their faces, and warned people of their sickness.
In 2 Kings 5, we encounter Naaman, a mighty warrior, respected and feared. He had leprosy but did not isolate himself; he was commanding an army and was living around his wife and her young, enslaved Israelite. Naaman was probably compassionate because the enslaved girl was concerned and wanted him to be healed. She said to Naaman’s wife, “If only my master would see the prophet in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.”
This sparked hope in Naaman, who traveled to Samaria. A prophet who could heal leprosy? I’m sure Naaman expected a grand spectacle, including fanfare, crowds, and a ceremony from this Samarian prophet. As he approached, Elisha didn’t even come out to meet him; instead, he sent a messenger saying, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan.”
Naaman was furious! Elisha had blown him off and told him to bathe in the Jordan? He would have passed the Jordan on his way and seen the muddy banks, the dirty water, and all the bugs that went along with it. The rivers at home were cleaner than this river. This easy task was unthinkable to Naaman, who decided that God could not make him clean.
As he left, his servant stopped him, “If he had asked you to do some great thing, wouldn’t you have done it?” Naaman agreed and went down to the river bathing seven times. He was healed! His skin was like a young boy's; it was a fountain of youth for Naaman! This changed Naaman, who became a servant of God; Naaman changed his life and began to follow the God of Israel. God used Naaman’s small amount of faith to perform a miracle, restoring his life and hope.
When we choose to trust God in the face of adversity, our lives become a living testimony pointing people to our hope in Jesus Christ. If we want to make a difference, we must do the small things that God asks, knowing that He makes miracles happen from small actions.
Make a Difference:
Ask God to give you a small challenge today. Something that will test your faith. Watch and see what He does in you, around you, and through you. Lives are always impacted when we take a step of faith and trust God for a miracle.
As You Read:
Look at the things that God asks people to do through Elisha. They aren’t giant steps. This week, focus on the task, not on the outcome. What is God asking you to do?
About this Plan

We all want to make an impact on the lives of people around us. We want our lives to make a difference in our friends, family, co-workers, neighborhoods, and cities. This is done through the transformative work of Jesus Christ. The Pastors of Peoples Church hope that our weekly devotionals provide insights, reflections, and thought-provoking questions and challenges as we go on this chronological journey through the Bible.
We would like to thank Peoples Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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