Week 1 / Spiritually Set Apart
Making God’s Word a Priority
Read: Joshua 1:1–9
SOAP: Joshua 1:8
This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful.
Into the Text
What we know about, we speak about, and what fills our hearts, good or bad, wise or foolish, eventually overflows into our conversations. Our thoughts ultimately influence our lives, which is why keeping God’s Word at the forefront of our minds is vital to choosing to live set apart. As women, we have many competing messages tugging at us for attention. But we are not blown off course when God’s Word is central in our lives. Instead, God’s Word anchors us down so that when the waves of trials, temptations, and turmoil come our way, we are anchored securely to the truth. When God’s Word saturates our hearts and minds, it shapes our thoughts, desires, and, ultimately, our actions. It also holds us steady when we are tempted to compromise or doubt if we are making the right decision.
Choosing to live set apart is beautiful. It is a quiet declaration saying, “Your ways are better than mine. Therefore, I choose you, Jesus, over the world.”
The key word in Joshua 1:8 is “obey.” We must choose to have God’s Word in our hearts and minds to know and obey God’s will for our lives. Part of being women who live their lives set apart, counter-culturally to the world, is in the daily choice to say, “Your will, not mine.” To get to a place of that kind of surrender, we must have God’s Word on our minds night and day, anchoring us to God’s Truth. From the anchor of His Truth, we hold steadfast as the changing tides of our culture try to sway us to the right or left.
Dear Jesus, I choose You over the world. Help me to love Your Word and hide it in my heart so I can draw from it for strength and wisdom throughout my day. Empower me to obey You, not out of obligation, but out of my love for You and desire to honor You with my life. Amen.
About this Plan

When we choose to live set apart for God’s glory, we unapologetically point to the reason for our strength, the reason for our hope, and the reason our lives look different. Choose today to shine your light brightly for Jesus as you live your life set apart.
We would like to thank Love God Greatly for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: