24/7 Training TimeSample

Firm Foundation
By: Arbor Diggs
“The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock.”—Matthew 7:25
There is a common fable of three little pigs building their homes. The first pig chose straw to build his house. With one single huff, a wolf blew it down. The second pig chose sticks. His house went down just as easily as the first. But the third pig chose brick, and when the wolf huffed and puffed and blew as hard as he could, the house remained. It was built with a strong foundation.
I think this made-up story helps us visualize a parable Jesus told. In Matthew 7:25-27, Jesus teaches us if we hear God’s Word and do what it says, we have a faith and identity that is unshakeable. But if we hear it and ignore what it says, we will have a faith that collapses with a great crash. As Christian athletes and coaches, we are building our lives each day. Scripture makes it clear that we are either building it with the straw and sticks of the world or with the solid brick of the Word.
When we choose to build our identity on sports stats, placement on the depth chart, following on social media, college offers, or performance, we are building our faith foundation with straw and sticks. A faith like this will be easily shaken when a storm comes. What happens if we get injured? If a new transfer takes our spot? If we don’t have a great game? Our foundation will be blown over, and we will feel broken.
If we choose to listen to God’s Word and build our identity on Him (who He calls us, how He made us, how He teaches us to live), we build our faith foundation with solid rock. A faith like this will always stand even when the storms come.
There is a big bad wolf in our life, and his name is Satan. He will do his best to knock us down. But with a foundation built on bricks from God’s Word, the wolf can never blow us away.
1. What have you been building your identity and faith with?
2. Are those things sticks and straw, or brick? (If it can be taken or changed, it is sticks and straw.)
3. How can you build your life on solid rock?
4. How do you think this will change your faith, mental health, confidence, and even the way you play as an athlete?
- James 1:22-25
- Hebrews 13:8
God, I want to use Your Word to build my entire life. I want to have an unshakeable faith and identity, so no matter what comes my way, I am held fast and firm in You. I want others to see that my faith will never be blown away. Amen.
About this Plan

We've prepared 12 devotions for you. When you commit to doing these, you will establish a powerful habit for spiritual growth. During this time, you can talk to God and let Him talk to you through the Bible and His Spirit. There are many effective methods that can be used for your daily time with God.
We would like to thank FCA for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.fca.org
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