Becoming an Intentional FatherSample

Roadblock #1: IgnoranceSince you’re reading this plan, you’re probably already past this first obstacle. It comes in a few forms, but it sounds like this: “I didn’t know it was my job.”
Before you fly past this one, take a closer look. You may have mostly removed this obstacle from your life. But some remnants of the obstruction may remain.
Have you accepted the role as the primary disciple-maker in your kids’ lives? You probably want them to let Jesus rule their hearts. But this begins with them seeing Him on the throne of yours.
While there is no guarantee this will happen, if your children see you walking with the Lord, they’re much more likely to do the same. This is biblically true and statistically proven.
We’re not playing a small part in this drama. We have one of the leading roles. It’s crucial.
Consider a statement that’s both exciting and frightening: You are the first and best way for your children to learn the characteristics of God. In you, they see a “picture” of their Heavenly Father, an image burned so deeply into their mind, that it’s difficult to remove. This is the good news and the bad.
Our God identifies Himself primarily as our Heavenly Father. He is loving, patient, honest, kind, forgiving, and gracious. One reason we must strive to love our children the way God loves us is because it shows them something about God.
Many statistics reveal this pattern: How kids see God starts with how they see their dad. That’s not to discount the role of a godly mother, it’s just a sequence that God’s hardwired into creation. When dads set a godly example, kids tend to relate to God in more positive ways.
This doesn’t mean we must be perfect. Rather, it means we must be real. When we make mistakes (frequently), we must own them. When necessary, ask our children and wives for forgiveness. This humility helps us point them to the one true Father who is perfect.
If you’re just learning this for the first time, congratulations! You’re now in the game.
About this Plan

Being a father who intentionally disciples his family is tough work. Not only do we need to learn how to run this race, we must simultaneously remove obstacles blocking our way. Biblical fatherhood is not for the faint of heart. This plan will help you identify the things standing in your way. Then it will show you how, with God’s help, you can remove these roadblocks on your journey to becoming an intentional father.
We would like to thank Manhood Journey for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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