
The One Who Got Picked On
Joseph was picked on by his brothers when he was young, but later in his life, he was put in charge of all of Egypt.
Bullying is a big deal. People get picked on all the time, and it’s not OK. If you are someone who gets picked on, do not let that person take you out.
God has given you a purpose and a plan for your life. Don’t ever let anyone take that away from you.
Keep pressing on, don’t give up, know who God make you to be, and don’t listen to what the bullies say about you.
Now, if you are someone who picks on other people, you need to stop it immediately. You’re reading this right now for a reason. Maybe you’re a Christian, or maybe you’re checking out what God’s all about. I assume you’re reading this to better your life or become a better person. If that’s the case, then the first step for you is to stop picking on other people. Don’t be the one stealing others from their purpose. Be someone who lifts other people up and helps them become who God intended to be.
If you keep going and don’t give up even when it gets hard, you will one day find yourself in the place exactly where God wants you to be.
Keep reading this plan. In a couple of days, you’ll see how this story ties into our purpose.
About this Plan

No one is here by accident. God has put each of us on this earth to serve a unique purpose. In this plan, you’ll discover your gifts, talents, and purpose to live the life God intended you to live.
We would like to thank Life Church and Switch for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: life.church