Living the Jesus WaySample

I am sure you have heard before; that disciples make disciples.
Well, that’s true but note in the main passage today from Matthew 28 exactly what Jesus is commissioning us to do.
He isn’t asking us to plant churches. He isn’t asking us to establish ministries, run courses, or summer camps. He is asking us to share the Good News with people. Baptize them and help them transform the decision they have made into a relationship of discipleship with Him.
Perhaps you have once believed that disciple-making can only happen in official settings like the church, or through pre-planned activities like courses, but that simply isn’t the case. If you count yourself as a disciple in training this is your commission.
Perhaps you have opted out of disciple-making in the past because you thought it meant you were asking someone to follow you, you’re not. You're saying, “Let’s follow Him together.” You are a signpost to Jesus, His reflection, and their guide towards Him.
But before you can make any disciples, you first have to be one yourself.
So, are you ready to be more than just a decision to believe and start living the Jesus way?
Are you ready to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him closely?
To abide in His teaching?
To love people the way Christ did?
Are you ready to accept your commission to go and make disciples?
As you complete today’s readings and reflect on the past few days, remember discipleship is not an invitation to blind obedience. It’s an invitation to fully informed obedience. Scripture gives us clear guidance as to what’s required to live the Jesus way. It’s up to us if we want to become more than just a decision and become a disciple.
About this Plan

Be more than a decision to believe, and discover how to become a disciple of Jesus.
We would like to thank Marie Aitken for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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